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 TR Fur Peace Ranch 3 DAY ACOUSTIC SEMINAR 2011
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10739 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2008 :  5:42:30 PM  Show Profile  Send Fluffy an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Here it is, your chance to spend 3 days with TR as your guitar instructor. My understanding is that there are only 9-11 slots for this seminar so don't put off deciding, you may miss out.

The fur peace ranch is not a fantasy camp, but a guitar players oasis within an award winning music community with instruction in various guitar styles, bass guitar, songwriting, mandolin, vocals and more.

Hosted by Rock & Roll Hall of Famer Jorma Kaukonen and his wife Vanessa, the Ranch is nestled in the tranquil setting of the rolling foothills of Southeast Ohio. Jorma’s years of playing with Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna as well as his long tenure and love for teaching has earned him a lofty position among his contemporaries. In addition to teaching guitar classes, Jorma has been a beacon for attracting an impressive roster o f master musicians and teachers. As well as students who come to the Ranch throughout the year to immerse in what has become a truly unique and magical environment.

Our workshops class size is limited (about 10 students per class) which allows for a personal, up-close teaching experience with a renowned faculty of musical instructors. Excellent instruction, gourmet food, campfire jams, live concerts and camaraderie come together to make your stay an experience you will remember for a lifetime! Whether you are a seasoned professional or novice the Ranch has a spot for you on our 119 acres of natural beauty cradled in warmth of our hospitality. So get online, get your guitar, and get on down here and join me.

Jorma Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch 03/27/2009-03/30/2009

Tim Reynolds Workshop Description:

Coming Full Circle with the Acoustic Guitar

The monkey will switch on it's monkey, shake it's monkey, beat on it's monkey & make a number of mysterious gestures. After this, it will confuse itself in an attempt at inter-species communication. You are welcome to take notes. Translation: 6 & 12 string acoustic fingerstyle, flat-picking & composition. Performing original material as a springboard to teach individual techniques of each composition. Taking students thru the ideas and feelings of each song.

3 Sessions Per Day


'09 Workshops Schedule:


Instructor Descriptions:


Also of special note for EVERYONE, on Saturday 03/28/2009 at the Fur Peace Station Concert Hall TR will be performing his ONLY SPRING SOLO ACOUSTIC DATE:


Peace & Keep the Faith

Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2008 :  6:12:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Unfortunately...$1,200 is a bit too rich for my blood. Plus I'd have to buy a ticket to get out there.

I'm going to shoot myself in the face for not being able to go to this...
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Is Anybody Here?

2 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2008 :  8:25:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How good do you have to be at guitar to not be laughed at? Is a few years experience and the ability to play a few covers good enough?
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Is Anybody Here?

2 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2008 :  8:30:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Level 3 - Proficient: Repertoire and Skillbuilding

Participants should have facility with thumb independence with alternating thumb pattern accompanied by melodic lines; experience with songs that depart from pattern fingerpicking; acquaintance with chord inversions in several positions up the neck. The workshop will further develop these skills, and use songs as vehicles for teaching licks, riffs,runs and embellishments in various keys. The instructor will break down songs, but assume a level of skill permitting a brisk pace.
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Alien Abductee

4159 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2008 :  1:28:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If I played the guitar I would sign up for sure. Ya gotta love a place that has Hot Tuna posters hanging on the walls!
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2008 :  4:21:19 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I think I might actually sign up. It's in Ohio right? Then again after reading Greenmile's last post I may look incredibly retarded amongst others there.
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2008 :  4:31:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
you guys should just go if you're that passionate. don't doubt yourselves.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2008 :  6:51:53 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote

Level 3 - Proficient: Repertoire and Skillbuilding

Participants should have facility with thumb independence with alternating thumb pattern accompanied by melodic lines; experience with songs that depart from pattern fingerpicking; acquaintance with chord inversions in several positions up the neck. The workshop will further develop these skills, and use songs as vehicles for teaching licks, riffs,runs and embellishments in various keys. The instructor will break down songs, but assume a level of skill permitting a brisk pace.

How could anyone read this and not doubt themselves?
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/13/2008 :  7:07:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Participants should have facility with thumb independence with alternating thumb pattern accompanied by melodic lines; experience with songs that depart from pattern fingerpicking; acquaintance with chord inversions in several positions up the neck.

a.) thumb independence with alternating thumb pattern accompanied by melodic lines - if you can play, or partially play any of Tims solo acoustic stuff this shouldn't be that huge a deal. watch some videos and practice.


this is a really simple example of this. remember you're going in a student you are supposed to learn stuff.

b.) experience with songs that depart from pattern fingerpicking

sounds like knowing how to improv decently to me.

c.) acquaintance with chord inversions in several positions up the neck.

you probably already know them, just read up on them online or something.

these 3 things are that hard to grasp once you get the basic concept and that's all they're requiring. they want to TEACH you stuff haha. just my thoughts on it. in one hand you could take a class, maybe not be the best in the class but have it be one of the most amazing musically inspiring experiences of your life as a musician or in the other hand you could not go and never know what you could have learned.

seems like a simple choice if you love to play guitar.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2008 :  12:37:29 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm sure I wouldn't be embarrassed or too out of my element, and it sounds like a pretty cool thing overall. I'm seriously considering this. Any other takers from this site?
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 07/14/2008 :  1:19:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

I'm sure I wouldn't be embarrassed or too out of my element, and it sounds like a pretty cool thing overall. I'm seriously considering this. Any other takers from this site?

I don't think so...it's too much money...
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2008 :  5:46:17 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just sent in my application, so as long as I'm "accepted" we'll have at least one person representing the board there.

Anyone else going or on the fence? I'll need someone to hang out with people.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2008 :  6:14:58 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Silky The Pimp

Just sent in my application, so as long as I'm "accepted" we'll have at least one person representing the board there.

Anyone else going or on the fence? I'll need someone to hang out with people.

I'm still on the fence. I'm not sure if I'm skilled enough technically or not to take this on.
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2008 :  7:52:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Silky The Pimp

Just sent in my application, so as long as I'm "accepted" we'll have at least one person representing the board there.

Anyone else going or on the fence? I'll need someone to hang out with people.

I'm on the fence. It comes down to money for me...pure and simple. I'd go in a heart beat...if I were rich like Silky! HAHA!
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2008 :  11:21:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
it's a 100dollars a month for a class with all the bullshit taken out, taught by one of your favorite guitarists. ask your parents for a loan. haha. I think just the insight of talking to someone who inspires you or listening to them for 4 days alone is going to open doors you never dreamed about and validate a lot of shit. I think anyone of the fence should just do it because you want to. you can always make more money.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2008 :  07:33:13 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
My issue isn't the $$, but the fact that the site's "skill level" is making me doubt myself technically and I'd really rather not look like a tool in front of Tim and other guitarists.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2008 :  7:50:14 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Okay, so after mulling it over all day at work I just applied as well. After reading the questions on the actual application I don't think my fears of being inadequate were warranted.

Any other takers? It would be great if we had a group from the boards there!
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2008 :  7:52:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If we all take up a collection...I'd go in a heartbeat!
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/18/2008 :  7:52:43 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
By the way, for anyone still on the fence, they only charge you $185 to reserve your space. The remaining balance, $1015, is charged the week that you go to the ranch. That gives you 7 months to save up. So as GreenGrow said, divide it out over the months and it's not that bad, about $145/mo after the initial deposit.
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2008 :  3:36:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm so jealous you get to go to this. it's going to be fucking great no doubt. what a killer 4 days to look forward to.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2008 :  3:44:42 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by greengrow

I'm so jealous you get to go to this. it's going to be fucking great no doubt. what a killer 4 days to look forward to.

Yeah, I just signed up yesterday and haven't even heard if I'm in or not, but I'm already looking forward to it. It will give me something to talk about for years afterwards.

I wonder if anyone from the DMB side of things will get wind and sign up for this.
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2008 :  7:57:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
a class that small is so personal. damn, you're totally going to maybe get to jam out with Tim 4 days in a row. fucker
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Is Anybody Here?

31 Posts

Posted - 07/19/2008 :  7:59:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
even if you think you need work or whatever, FUCK IT. the school or whatevers got their money they can shut the fuck up now. ham it up, get down. haha I say milk that shit for all its worth and learn and ask tons of questions. what are they going to do, give you back the money? fuck no.
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Is Anybody Here?

16 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2008 :  07:19:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would love for my husband to do this! He has played since he was 12 (he's around Tim's age now), but doesn't read music. He's had no formal training - only session and jams with his dad when he was a kid. I think he played in a band in HS too. He picks up things by ear and plays some original stuff. He does some amazing finger picking and plays a wide variety of chords that sound pretty complex to me. He has a lot of respect for Tim's playing and I have no doubt he'd learn a lot!

I read the text about the proficiency level posted here but not being a musician I have no idea how to interpret it. I hope this isn't a stupid question but do you think ability to read music will be necessary? He knows how to read the notes from the page, and the chords, he just generally doesn't play that way.

Any insights would be appreciated.
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2008 :  08:48:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I didn't get the impression that the ability to read music would be required. You might want to contact them before committing though.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2008 :  09:38:30 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I submitted my application thing last week and it didn't say anything about reading music. They had questions on it about your guitar skill/knowledge, but nothing about reading music. I can't read music but I don't think that makes me any less of a musician. Some might argue that those who can play and improvise without reading music are more talented than those who can sight-read a piece of music.

By the way, can Tim even read music?
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Is Anybody Here?

16 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2008 :  12:52:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

I submitted my application thing last week and it didn't say anything about reading music. They had questions on it about your guitar skill/knowledge, but nothing about reading music. I can't read music but I don't think that makes me any less of a musician. Some might argue that those who can play and improvise without reading music are more talented than those who can sight-read a piece of music.

By the way, can Tim even read music?

I would tend to agree since I think my husband is an amazing guitar player!

Thanks for the clarifications.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/22/2008 :  1:19:05 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
By the way, if he goes and I go, neither of us will know how to read music. So how can he lose?
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2008 :  7:44:58 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

By the way, if he goes and I go, neither of us will know how to read music. So how can he lose?

Make that three.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2008 :  8:29:33 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Silky The Pimp

Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

By the way, if he goes and I go, neither of us will know how to read music. So how can he lose?

Make that three.

Yeah, I didn't get the impression that it was necessary. I'm assuming it's all "watch me do something and then do it yourself" type instruction. I doubt Tim's songs (or whatever he's teaching us) will be transposed in standard music notation and we'll all sit and sight read.

By the way, Silky, have you heard from the Ranch yet? I haven't gotten anything after my initial confirmation email.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2008 :  10:50:56 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Nope same here... I think it said it takes 2-3 weeks for them to process everything so I suspect it will still be a little while.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/24/2008 :  2:55:59 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Oops, I guess the email did say 2-3 weeks. I thought it said 2-3 days. And here I was wondering why I hadn't heard.
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Is Anybody Here?

16 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2008 :  2:23:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for your replies about the music reading question! Makes me feel better. I'm still working on getting my husband to put in an application. :)
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 07/28/2008 :  3:00:18 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by linrose

Thanks for your replies about the music reading question! Makes me feel better. I'm still working on getting my husband to put in an application. :)

No problem. My wife had to convince me to apply as well. We guys are very lucky to have such supportive wives!
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  6:22:59 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I just got the email confirming my spot at the workshop. Let the countdown begin.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  6:27:29 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just got my confirmation as well! Can't wait!

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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2008 :  10:08:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I'm so friggin' jealous!

I hope you guys have a blast. I sort of hope you get herpes too...but I think I hope you have fun.
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10739 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2008 :  12:10:04 AM  Show Profile  Send Fluffy an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Talked with Fur Peace Ranch today and apparently there are only a few spots left. I am getting ready to make an announcement to the email list about this as well and wanted to give message board users another chance to get in on it before the spots are filled. So glad to see folks from the message board taking advantage of this rare opportunity. I am very envious myself and wish I played guitar so I could attend. I imagine it will be very kewl to hang out with TR for 3 days and discuss music and his playing.

Peace & Keep the Faith
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2008 :  12:15:38 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Wow, hearing that there are only a few spots left really makes me glad I decided to jump at this chance. I know I would have kicked myself if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity.

Here's counting the days and weeks until March, '09!

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1302 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2008 :  11:56:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I didn't jump on it right away because I thought it was too much money for me, but I realized it was definitely doable and I don't want to miss out on this. I just submitted an application.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/05/2008 :  1:42:31 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Awesome. If you get in, the boards will have a nice showing at this thing.
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10739 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2008 :  7:05:40 PM  Show Profile  Send Fluffy an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Tim Reynolds Workshop Description:

Coming Full Circle with the Acoustic Guitar

The monkey will switch on it's monkey, shake it's monkey, beat on it's monkey & make a number of mysterious gestures. After this, it will confuse itself in an attempt at inter-species communication. You are welcome to take notes. TRANSLATION: 6 & 12 string acoustic fingerstyle, flat-picking & composition. Performing original material as a springboard to teach individual techniques of each composition. Taking students thru the ideas and feelings of each song.

Peace & Keep the Faith
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279 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2008 :  02:58:20 AM  Show Profile  Send JoeGamo05 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
holy crap... all i gotta say. 1200 is a pretty penny who knows maybe i'll try to attend :) holy crap once again...

also don't doubt your skill level, if you got the change(money) to do something like this, don't pass it up!!!

When the trees start walking, the ground starts moving, your insane, your insane
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2008 :  1:32:15 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fluffy

Tim Reynolds Workshop Description:

Coming Full Circle with the Acoustic Guitar

The monkey will switch on it's monkey, shake it's monkey, beat on it's monkey & make a number of mysterious gestures. After this, it will confuse itself in an attempt at inter-species communication. You are welcome to take notes. TRANSLATION: 6 & 12 string acoustic fingerstyle, flat-picking & composition. Performing original material as a springboard to teach individual techniques of each composition. Taking students thru the ideas and feelings of each song.

I actually laughed out loud when I read this on the offical FPR site.

Fluffy, do you have any updates on how many open slots remain?
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 08/16/2008 :  01:10:01 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fluffy

Tim Reynolds Workshop Description:

Coming Full Circle with the Acoustic Guitar

The monkey will switch on it's monkey, shake it's monkey, beat on it's monkey & make a number of mysterious gestures. After this, it will confuse itself in an attempt at inter-species communication. You are welcome to take notes. TRANSLATION: 6 & 12 string acoustic fingerstyle, flat-picking & composition. Performing original material as a springboard to teach individual techniques of each composition. Taking students thru the ideas and feelings of each song.

Awesome. I was wondering whether or not he wanted us to bring 12 strings as well... good to know.

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10739 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2008 :  4:27:27 PM  Show Profile  Send Fluffy an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

Originally posted by Fluffy

Tim Reynolds Workshop Description:

Coming Full Circle with the Acoustic Guitar

The monkey will switch on it's monkey, shake it's monkey, beat on it's monkey & make a number of mysterious gestures. After this, it will confuse itself in an attempt at inter-species communication. You are welcome to take notes. TRANSLATION: 6 & 12 string acoustic fingerstyle, flat-picking & composition. Performing original material as a springboard to teach individual techniques of each composition. Taking students thru the ideas and feelings of each song.

I actually laughed out loud when I read this on the offical FPR site.

Fluffy, do you have any updates on how many open slots remain?

Last I heard, which was about 2 weeks ago, there were only 4 or 5 slots left. Get in while you can. Who knows when or if this opportunity will present itself again.

Peace & Keep the Faith
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/18/2008 :  4:29:58 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the update. I'm in as of August 4th, but I just wondered how many open slots were still left.
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155 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2008 :  04:59:25 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I just read this today, and I am seriously tempted into filling a remaining spot. I just gotta wait till by next paycheck. So hopefully it will still be open. Its pretty cool that Tim is doing this, it's even more cool, that a group from the forum will be attending... I let you guys know what happens.

I'm almost there...
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155 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2008 :  02:14:49 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
So I decided I couldn't wait and risk missing my chance and signed up. It's exciting! The website said it was still open, so I hope that is accurate. It will would be interesting to meet other board members. Maybe have a jam or two? Although, I don't drink a lot, it would be nice to have a beer with you guys. Let me know Fluffy if you hear anything on there end as far as enrollment numbers go (I'm sure you would anyways).

I'm almost there...
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2008 :  08:52:42 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm glad you decided to go for it!

The website says that FPR is completely alcohol/drug free, but I'm planning on heading to Ohio on Thursday and getting a hotel, then driving the ranch on Friday morning. I'd love to meet up for a couple beers or maybe dinner or something if anyone else is game. We have plenty of time to sort out all the details if we'd want to do something like that.
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1302 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2008 :  12:15:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, my card was charged on 8/22 for the deposit. I'm assuming that's a good thing, but I haven't received a confirmation e-mail...

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160 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2008 :  3:39:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit DaRavyn's Homepage  Send DaRavyn an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I sent in my application to and called the fur peace ranch to confirm that I was able to get in. I am really excited about this! I know how to read very little music from taking music classes in college but still can't put it all to guitar, but even being able to just sit in and listen and take it all in truly seems priceless. I am stoked to be able to experience this...then an acoustic show at the end?!?!? Too good to be true. Thanks again Fluffy for telling me about this. Hope you make it out too.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2008 :  6:11:02 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
The FPR site says FULL now for TR's workshop. See you all there!
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2008 :  7:14:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You know...I'm actually kind of releived now.

I wanted to go SO BAD...but I couldn't afford it.

Now I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I'm jealous for all of you that are going!

Have a blast and learn a lot.

And share as many stories as possible...
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1302 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2008 :  01:49:55 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, I've officially been invoiced. I can't wait, guys. I'm planning on coming up that Thursday too so I'd be up for some pre-class aquainting.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 08/28/2008 :  07:16:25 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Likewise. Those of us going should definitely try to get together the day before. I'm driving all the way from Iowa so I'm not sure exactly where I'll stay the night before. Columbus is about 2 hours from FPR I think, so I was thinking of staying there and then driving the rest on Friday morning. But I haven't really looked too much into if there is somewhere closer I could stay.
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160 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2008 :  01:43:58 AM  Show Profile  Visit DaRavyn's Homepage  Send DaRavyn an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I did not get invoiced yet....still, so i called again and am in for sure. Even though the class thing says full on their site he said there was still room in there for 1 or 2 more, so IF anyone else is serious from the board I would hop on that opprotunity. It sounds like it is going to be unreal. I am down to go out for a few beers the night before. I am glad there is going to be quite a few members from this board going.

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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2008 :  7:11:39 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm in, motherfuckers. We will rawk.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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1916 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2008 :  09:46:24 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We are going this is going to be the shit!
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2008 :  11:00:58 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Wow, the boards are going to have a great showing at this thing. I'm really looking forward to meeting all of you.
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 09/15/2008 :  12:41:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hope the camp is hit with a meteorite and you're all burned alive.

...I want to go SO BAD!!!...
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155 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2008 :  03:14:30 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm in too guys... So chalk that up as another from the board.

I'm almost there...
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Yak Addict

920 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2008 :  09:39:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit jsemon2's Homepage  Send jsemon2 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by gnome44

I hope the camp is hit with a meteorite and you're all burned alive.

...I want to go SO BAD!!!...

doesnt mean you hope everyone that does go should die. not cool

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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 09/17/2008 :  12:13:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh, it's cool...
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1302 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  01:27:34 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Just for my own reference so I can keep track of all you crazy people. So glad you all decided to come. We will most certainly RAWK and/or ROLL.
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Alien Abductee

4159 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  06:29:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Stopped by and saw this and that list just put a GREAT BIG smile on my face! (a proud "mom" kind of moment) I am so happy for all of you!

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Posted - 09/19/2008 :  10:36:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
So badass! After all these years!
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2008 :  08:40:59 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I never got to go to camp when I was a kid, I may cry. AHAHA

So is everyone down with getting there a day early to have a meeting of the mutant minds? We could all pitch for a room or 2, I know Dave and I are down...

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2008 :  10:37:47 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I was planning on getting there a day early. I was thinking of staying in Columbus and then driving the rest of the way Friday morning, but I haven't really pinned down any plans yet.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2008 :  12:39:00 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Not sure how much of a "group" thing you guys may or may not want to make this, but it seems as though it would make sense to all stay at the same hotel in either Columbus or Athens on Thursday night (for maximum debauchery efficiency) and then carpool to the ranch Friday morning.

I'd personally say get all the travel out of the way on Thursday and stay in Athens, that way it's just a hop over to the ranch Friday morning and we are free to enjoy ourselves Thursday night without having a 2 hour drive, plus whatever rush hour Columbus may have, at 7 a.m. Friday morning. Thoughts?

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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 09/22/2008 :  07:16:59 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I am down for that, when we get everyone present, we'll try and pinpoint a location. I should have room in my car for one more, though I assume a lot of us will have cars seeing as we're coming from all over the damn place.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 12/10/2008 :  4:55:48 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Reminder: We got classes with fucking TR in 3 months.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2008 :  12:43:01 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Speaking of it only be 3 months away, has anyone looked into hotels yet? We should probably start organizing this thing if we want to hang out before the workshop.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 12/20/2008 :  1:39:35 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Agreed, I'm actually visiting friends in Ohio now, so I'll do some research.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Posted - 12/26/2008 :  2:13:04 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
For Christ's sake Jared hurry up!
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 12/26/2008 :  2:59:19 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Well, there is the Meigs Motel which is about 7 miles south of the Camp, and then a host of hotels in Athens, OH, which is about 13 miles north. I don't care which, though we'll prolly have a better shot at shit to do or places to eat in Athens. Anyone care to weigh in?

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2008 :  09:37:03 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Athens sounds good to me. If I have time tonight I'll take a look online and see what looks good.
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Posted - 12/29/2008 :  1:25:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
As long as we can smoke in the room I don't care. I'm going to blow smoke in your face while you sleep Jared!
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2008 :  2:30:14 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Thanks, guy. You'll be paying for your own room then.

Let's get everyone going posting here, if possible, to see who's up for the early meet-up. Should I start a new thread for the discussion?

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2008 :  4:02:44 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Found a couple hotels in Athens that look okay:

This one seems to be near some different restaurants and bars. Looks like about $100 for a night: http://www.baymontinns.com/Baymont/control/Booking/property_info?propertyId=70014&brandInfo=BU

There is also a Holiday Inn that looks to be about the same price: http://www.hixathens.com/index.html

I'd be willing to share a room with someone to split the cost of the room.

There were about half a dozen other hotels in Athens, but it's hard to know how far away they are from restaurants, bars, and other stuff to do. This sounds perfect though since it seems to be about 30 minutes from FPR.
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Is Anybody Here?

28 Posts

Posted - 01/01/2009 :  11:08:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit StarryNightDiva's Homepage  Reply with Quote
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You guys are gonna have SUCH an AWESOME time... I applied for and was accepted to his class, but had to really get honest with myself on my skill level... So... I withdrew, so that someone who was at level III (was hoping someone from here) could partake in this kickass class...

On the other hand...

I still want to go to the concert...So I bought 2 tickets to Tim's show on Saturday Night and am flying into Columbus around 3 pm on Saturday afternoon... With that in mind, I really want to see Tim with someone who can appreciate his musicianship and quality of his playing.. and it would be nice to actually put faces to everyone from the boards that will be there~! If one of you wants to show up at the Ranch, I'd be more than happy to share the extra ticket I have. Gnome44? In lieu of fiery meteorites...want to go? Let me know.

"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers..."
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  10:44:47 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Gnome isn't allowed to go, he's being shunned.

We're gonna have the goodest time ever.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  11:14:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the invite, Starry...but I'm going to have to pass. It's too hard for me to make the trek up to Ohio.

I'm still hoping for something catastrophic to occur so that I can live the rest of my life knowing that I made the right choice in not going.

(I'm kidding...obviously...somewhat...)

Seriously though, I'm supremely jealous of those that will attend. I'm sure you'll learn a ton and have a great time.

Strum one for me...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  4:06:54 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'll bust out 'Shortwave' for ya.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  4:14:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nice! That's very touching.

(Did you ever master The Ice Field? That's next on my list.)
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  4:47:42 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Man, I bought the tab, but haven't worked it yet. I think that'll be a good February task. I just got Kaki King's 'Lies' down pat though, which I have a feeling will help greatly with The Ice Fields.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 01/02/2009 :  5:17:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's awesome! "Lies" is a great tune. I have so much more respect for her since her latest album...which I thought was genius. I like her better when she's not tip-tapping her guitar that whole time.

I'm going to try to finish up "Accordion Bells" in the next few weeks. I'm working on too many things at once...
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Is Anybody Here?

28 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2009 :  04:14:52 AM  Show Profile  Visit StarryNightDiva's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It's funny when I say to people I know, "Hey, I'm going to a concert in March in Ohio" - I get, "OHIO???" Did I mention I live in LOS ANGELES...YEAH..I know~!!

But it's Tim Reynolds!!....Only you guys would understand...
Anyway, my Saturday will start @ 4 AM to get on a plane at 6 am.. connect in Dallas Texas at 1 pm...arrive Columbus @ 3..get a rent-a-car..and get to FPR...in time to take a nice nap.... and wake up at 6ish..to go to Concert at 7....then drive to columbus..then family on Sunday...then to airport with 2 frozen gallons of some serious home made apple cider to show these pansied-assed californians what a true glass of apple cider is...

Can't make the trek MY ASS~!!! Okay, okay..sorry...this happens every now and again, since I quit smoking...I really have to start exercising to prevent what began this sentence! LOL !!

"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers..."
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2009 :  11:10:07 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Hey Starry, I'm pretty far from Ohio myself and I'm making the 10 or so hour drive there. I live in Iowa. Looking forward to meeting everyone from the boards there.
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1302 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2009 :  6:51:12 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Either of those sound good to me, Adam. I'd be up for sharing a room too.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/03/2009 :  9:13:48 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
LA, huh? No shit. That's a haul. Honestly can't say I've traveled that far for a show, but you've got family nearby, so it's not so bad. Well make sure to say 'Hi' to the crazies with the black alien head t-shirts on.

Let's see what Silky and Sciphish have to say.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Posted - 01/09/2009 :  09:26:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Holy shit I can't wait! TIPI'S!!!!!!!!
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/09/2009 :  11:51:56 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Sorry, last night was rubbish. Fuckin' teepees!

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Posted - 01/09/2009 :  12:23:26 PM  Show Profile  Send Fluffy an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Also of special note for ANYONE interested, on Saturday 03/28/2009 at the Fur Peace Station Concert Hall TR will be performing his ONLY SPRING SOLO ACOUSTIC DATE. Tix and info can be found at the following link:


Peace & Keep the Faith
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Is Anybody Here?

28 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2009 :  01:45:37 AM  Show Profile  Visit StarryNightDiva's Homepage  Reply with Quote
YAY~ This is going to be a great show

"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers..."
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2009 :  4:12:36 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Yea, because I'll talk Tim into letting us pick half the setlist.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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155 Posts

Posted - 01/17/2009 :  02:16:26 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
He told me he would cover Zimbabwe again the next time he was in Ma. I never caught the TR3 show here, so maybe I'll beg for that... lol

I'm almost there...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2009 :  11:16:25 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Zimbabwe was probably the best setlist surprise ever because it never occurred to me to ask him to play it, but it's such a spectacular rendition.

Are you down for getting together the day/night before, sciphish?

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 01/21/2009 :  11:21:42 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
So this is about 2 months away. Does anyone have any more input on the hotel choice? We should probably start booking unless any of you already has. Patrick if you want to share a room with me I can book it and you can just give me cash the day of.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2009 :  3:18:13 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'll go with the flow. Whatever the genral concensus is. I'm also cool with splitting a room... as long as you guys aren't like crazy sleep-tooters or anything...

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1302 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2009 :  8:55:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Works for me, Adam.

I think we all oughtta exchange e-mails for swifter group communication.
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