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 TR Fur Peace Ranch 3 DAY ACOUSTIC SEMINAR 2011
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Is Anybody Here?

28 Posts

Posted - 01/22/2009 :  10:15:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit StarryNightDiva's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Still have an extra ticket... Let me know if someone wants it...Face value of course..you'd have to meet me there as my tickets are willcall.

"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers..."
Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 01/23/2009 :  11:04:11 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dirtysloth

Works for me, Adam.

I think we all oughtta exchange e-mails for swifter group communication.

My main email is guitarguy305 at gmail dot com.
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155 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  9:48:25 PM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I am down for the hotel lodgings. I'm not old enough to rent a car, but I'm interested in splitting that as well. Someone let me know who wants to lodge with me, and we can go from there. email is sciphish@me.com

I'm almost there...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  10:03:15 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
jadphex at


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1302 Posts

Posted - 01/26/2009 :  10:15:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
veryneartheend at y>a>h>o>o>
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 01/27/2009 :  09:48:59 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
j e f f a b e l e s AT g m a i l DOT com

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2009 :  6:05:09 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
2 months to go...TIMe to start getting excited.
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155 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2009 :  11:42:40 PM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm about to book my flight and am planning on arriving in Athens on Thursday, and then making my way to Port Columbus Airport on Tuesday. Is anyone else interested in sharing a hotel room? There was talk before, but I wasn't what my situation was at the time. So if anyone is interested, let me know. Email is above.

I'm almost there...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/16/2009 :  11:49:42 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I think if we all just meet at a time in town, we can just pair up there, or whatever, I have a car and bring a couple sleeping bags, and we can put four in a double room to save a bit of money, I really don't give a crap. It's just to sleep for a night. What does everyone think?

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  12:01:08 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Funny you guys should post about this because I was just looking up hotels in Athens again. I was thinking either of these two:

Baymont is about $100 for a room, which isn't bad if people are sharing.


There is also a Hampton Inn that's a little pricier, about $109 from the looks of it. Then again if you book and pay in full, non-refundable, it's closer to $93. I don't think any of us should be to wary of a non-refundable room at this point.


It's hard to know what close to restaurants, bars, etc. but both of these hotels seem fairly close to one another anyway so I don't really think it matters.

I think Patrick and I had talked about sharing a room and if someone else wanted to crash with a sleeping bag or whatever that's fine by me. I will probably go ahead and book a room at the Hampton Inn in the next day or two unless anyone else feels strongly about another one.
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  12:03:45 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Also, I don't think this is the case, but if anyone is between Cedar Rapids, IA and Athens, Ohio I could pick you up.
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155 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  01:50:02 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
My plan is to be in the area for Thursday night and the following Monday night. And unless no one else is looking for someone to share a room, I may take you up on the sleeping bag offer.

I'm almost there...
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  09:48:54 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'm going to try to get on the road as early as possible Thursday morning and I think it's about a 10 hour drive for me. I'm assuming I'll be in town around 7:00 or so if I leave around 8:00 and allow time for a meal or two and getting gas. Monday I was just going to suck it up and drive straight home from FPR.

I think I might book that Hampton Inn when I get home from work tonight unless anyone has any objections.
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1302 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  09:57:19 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That'd be fine with me if you went ahead and did that, Adam. If anyone wants to crash in the floor, that's fine too. Honestly, I would prefer a bed myself. I've been having some neck pain lately. Neck pain is such a pain in the neck.

My plan is to drive from VA to Kentucky on Wednesday to see a friend of mine, and then drive up from there Thursday.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  10:22:56 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Hampton Inn is fine, I'll secure a room once I get my debt card back. I'm good on the floor for the night. To be honest, if it's not too cold out, I'm sleepin' in those fuckin' teepees at FPR.

Adam, maybe let them know we're all coming for a Fur Peace clinic, and maybe ask to have 2 rooms that aren't remotely near anyone else so we can rock some guitar and not bother anyone.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  10:27:41 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Are you 21, Sciphish? You're the only person I'm not sure of.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

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Posted - 02/17/2009 :  11:19:44 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I'll stay wherever and I'm fine with sharing a room... just let me know where to set the GPS and I'm good.

I would say that before we book anything, though, lets get a definitive head count so we know how many rooms to book. The other thing is that we may be able to get a suite at something like a Holiday Inn for about the same price, which would then have an extra bed per room via sleeper sofa, so we might be able to accommodate everyone with a bed with fewer rooms that way. Just a thought.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  10:09:06 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I think there are 7 of us from the boards going. Rob (DaRayvn) is the only one that hasn't weighed in on the hotel topic and I'm not sure if he was interested in the night before gathering or not. I send him a message on facebook to see what his thoughts were.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2009 :  10:49:07 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
K, and I pretty much speak for Cahill, so we got 6 here then. Let's look into a suite.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  07:20:31 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I heard back from Rob and he's down for meeting up the night before and sounds pretty open to whatever we decide. So that puts us up to 7 people total. I'll look into some info on a suite today while I'm at work and see price-wise what makes more sense.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  08:45:07 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Let us know, Adam.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  5:52:40 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
This would have been up sooner but I'm at a place my boss always bothering me...

It looks like a suite at the Holiday Inn Express would be about $150 with taxes. That would be about $22 each. The suite includes 2 queen beds and a sleeper sofa. I'm sure cots could be acquired as well once we get to the hotel, or if people wanted to bring sleeping bags or whatever. There was a note on the website saying a max of 6 people per room but what's one extra?

The Hampton Inn has Executive rooms that are essentially the same as the suites at HIX. They have the same accomodations and run about $10 cheaper. So if 7 cramed into one room it would be $20 each.

That being said, it might get kind of cramped with 7 people in one room, so if someone was willing to take on the extra cost I would be willing to book a single room with 2 beds which look to be about $100 per night at HIX and $116 at Hampton Inn. That would work out to $50-60 per person. That would leave 5 to share a larger room which would work out to about $30 each.

There are also any other number of combinations. If 4 wanted to share a suite and 3 another, you'd be talking $35-40 each for the 4 people and $46-50 each for the 3 people.

Like Patrick, I'd rather have a bed to sleep in. I know it's just a place to crash for one night, but I don't want my back bothering me all weekend either.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  7:00:41 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Well see what everyone else thinks, I wouldn't mind a bed, but I could go either way, I have a self inflating air mattress as well.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  7:53:18 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
The other thing I meant to mention was that it appears that many of the rooms are non-smoking, other than single rooms from what I could find. I'm not sure if that really cramps anyone's style or not but it could factor in. I didn't find any suites that were smoking rooms.
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155 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2009 :  10:12:04 PM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I think 7 is a bit much to cram in a room, so I'm down to get split a room with someone or two. Btw I am 23, so apart from renting a car, I'm good on that end. Also, am I the only one planning on staying Monday night?

I'm almost there...
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2009 :  10:22:16 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I would say, as long as it's within everyone's budget (~$50/person), that we do 2 suites. That way everyone has a bed except one person, who can either do the old air mattress/sleeping bag routine, or, if any of you guys are REALLY close, share a bed. I'm with you Adam... I don't really care where I crash for one night, but I definitely want a bed so I'm not dealing with back/neck/shoulder issues all weekend.

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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/20/2009 :  01:16:58 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Ive got the air mattress so I'm cool. 2 suites it is then.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/21/2009 :  1:07:22 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
If everyone agrees on 2 suites then should be go ahead and book a couple? Does anyone want to volunteer to book one or both rooms? I wont be getting into Athens until probably 6 or 7 Thursday night, so I could book one of the suites if everyone's okay with not checking in until then.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/22/2009 :  1:50:17 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I can do the second room.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/23/2009 :  10:48:34 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Any preference as far as hotel? I'd say the Hampton just because it appears a bit cheaper but I could go with either.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/23/2009 :  11:31:54 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
That's fine with me, Adam. I doubt anyone really gives a shit.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/23/2009 :  2:29:56 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

That's fine with me, Adam. I doubt anyone really gives a shit.

That's kind of the impression was getting ;) I think we're all just too easy going. A suite at the Hampton Inn it is.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2009 :  1:56:57 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Glad that's worked out. Onto other important business...

Does anyone have recording equipment? I know we aren't allowed to record the actual class time, but we've got 2 TR solo acoustic concerts, one of which is private for us, plus the student performance night. I think audio/video is a must...

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2009 :  2:13:44 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I was thinking about the same thing. I would really like my performance recorded though I don't own a video camera. I might try to borrow one but I was going to see if anyone else was planning on recording anything and try to sweet talk them into recording my stuff.

I just booked 1 suite at the Hampton Inn.

Just a little over a month and counting...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2009 :  9:20:07 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Dave and I will handle everyone's recording needs. Plus, we may have some sick jams in between.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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1302 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2009 :  9:44:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Has anyone been in touch with FPR, in particular Mike Coyne in the last couple days? I've been trying for over 24 hours to get in touch with someone and they won't return my phone calls or e-mails.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  12:15:02 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I spoke with Mike earlier today. Took multiple phone calls and emails... Hard dude to get hold of. Just keep calling until someone answers!

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1916 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  01:15:51 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I'm going to sleep walk in all of your rooms and defile you!
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1302 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  01:39:07 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, here's the deal. My credit card got declined on the 24th. I called back on the 24th to try to make a payment, but no one answered. I obviously had every intention of paying and that particular card was the wrong card to use. I can absolutely afford this. I haven't been able to get in touch though. For all I know I'm not even in the class anymore. Or maybe I am. It's keeping me awake tonight. I e-mailed him another card to use and he has not charged it.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  09:35:54 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Patrick, I actually had an issue with my card as well, and was in close contact with Mike to take care of it, I'm sure he'll get back to you as soon as possible. You're still in the class, I'm sure.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  10:54:26 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Don't worry Patrick, he's not going to give your spot away without speaking to you first, especially given that you've already paid a deposit.

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1916 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2009 :  1:16:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
yea it took them a few days to call me back too...damn liberals!
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155 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2009 :  04:03:55 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just a few more questions guys. Is anyone planning on staying in Athens Monday night? I don't feel like flying out on Monday right after the camp. Besides it's cheaper to stay the night. But it would make even more sense for me to room with someone.
Also I plan on flying in to Port Columbus airport at about 11 am on Thursday. And since the shuttle costs more then my flight, I am curious if anyone will be in the area at that time or can give me a ride. I can definitely help with costs.
Let me know if any are interested.

I'm almost there...
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Is Anybody Here?

5 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2009 :  11:09:32 AM  Show Profile  Send Broydan an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I've got my ticket and am planning on going as long as I can find a ride from Cincinnati. If anyone is coming from there or passing through let me know. I'm also a student at Ohio University in Athens so I may have some place to stay if they open the place up on Saturday because its the tail end of our spring break.
Anyone doing anything before the show?

I'll have a coke.
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Is Anybody Here?

5 Posts

Posted - 03/10/2009 :  11:13:15 AM  Show Profile  Send Broydan an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Broydan

I've got my ticket and am planning on going as long as I can find a ride from Cincinnati. If anyone is coming from there or passing through let me know. I'm also a student at Ohio University in Athens so I may have some place to stay if they open the place up on Saturday because its the tail end of our spring break.
Anyone doing anything before the show?

Sorry I didn't specify. I'm only going to the concert. Wish i had the money and skills to tho.

I'll have a coke.
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1302 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  10:39:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
To update.... Everything is fine now. I worry way too much about things sometimes.
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155 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  2:50:11 PM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
So, as I understand it, we have 2 rooms booked for Thursday night. How many people to a room? And how much will it cost. I'm only asking for budget purposes.

I'm almost there...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  3:14:37 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I still have to book our room. I'll do that by the weekend and let you know the $pp Sciphish.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  5:52:40 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
The room I booked came out to $123.63. If only 3 stay in that room, that would work out to $41.21 (let's call it $40) a piece. If 4 stay in this room, it would be about $30 each. Depending on what kind of rate Jared gets (I'm assuming it will be the same?), we may want to stick more people in the room that costs more so it costs less for each person if $$ is a concern. I have no problem shelling out an extra $10 and only sharing with 2 others.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  9:14:59 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
So then Me, Dave, and Sciphish then Adam, Jeff, and Patrick. What about that dude Rob? Are we just us 6 for the hotel rooms then? AHAHA

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2009 :  10:42:30 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I thought Rob was in too, but he hasn't stopped by here lately.
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1916 Posts

Posted - 03/13/2009 :  11:40:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 03/15/2009 :  8:35:40 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Less than 2 weeks and counting! I think it's about time to swap contact info and start coordinating who's arriving where and when...

Now, I'm a trusting person and all, but I don't care to put my cell number out there for the entire interweb to see, so I'm thinking we should all congregate on Facebook. That will allow us to have a private thread in which to swap contact information and make plans, as well as put some faces to names prior to going out there. Also on a self-serving note, I'll be traveling this week and I know I can check FB on my phone if internet access is hard to come by...

Just search for me... Jeff Abeles. I'm probably the only one, but if not, just look for the orange Jesus-looking dude from Atlanta.

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155 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2009 :  12:17:54 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Money isn't much of an issue. And I'm happy with 3 to a room. I arrive in athens about 1:10 pm on Thursday, I'm taking the greyhound bus.

I'm almost there...
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196 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2009 :  12:36:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You guys are so lucky. Take tons of pictures lol
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Posted - 03/16/2009 :  12:21:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I am going to take compromising photos of everyone! If anyone needs my cell number my email is dcmedia2@gmail.com
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2009 :  8:18:09 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
No one wants your fucking number, OK asshole?

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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196 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2009 :  12:56:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

No one wants your fucking number, OK asshole?

lol god I want to be there just to see you two argue like old women :D
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2009 :  08:45:47 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
We don't argue, I just tell him to shut the fuck up.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

4159 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  07:18:57 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just wanted to wish all of you going to the seminar a safe and amazing adventure! Be sponges, soak up the inspiration only TR can emit!

Not sure how many are going, but I'm happy and proud of those from this message board that will be attending. Enjoy!

........and don't forget to post your thoughts afterwards! Thanks!
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1916 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  09:12:46 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god
Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god

It's almost time WOOOOHOOO!!!

We will post some videos on youtube while we are there (internet permitting). I will post the links here. I am going to video tape Jared being mean to everyone. hahaha
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  09:50:49 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Hey, fuck you!

Thanks a lot, Pam. This really is an incredible opportunity we've been given!

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  5:18:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't begin to describe how much I'm kicking myself for not signing up originally. It seemed like too much money at the time...and it still is...but I should have done it anyway.

Oh well...I guess I'll have to settle with all of your reviews (very detailed I hope) and videos, stories, etc.

Have fun and learn as much as possible.

God, I think I'm going to vomit...seriously...
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2009 :  5:58:50 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Just finished my last day of work before I leave. See you all Thursday in Athens!
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Posted - 03/25/2009 :  2:39:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote

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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2009 :  7:27:17 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I am so under-prepared for this, dammit. I've been playing 0 guitar! Bah!

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2009 :  7:29:41 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

I am so under-prepared for this, dammit. I've been playing 0 guitar! Bah!

I'm not sure how exactly you would prepare for a weekend with Tim...so I've just been playing my usual amount...which is hardly at all ;) I think this is going to be awesome even if I just wind up using my guitar as a footrest and watching Tim and everyone else play for 4 days. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and jamming tomorrow night almost as much as the workshop!
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Alien Abductee

3712 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2009 :  12:19:26 AM  Show Profile  Send KevinLesko an AOL message  Reply with Quote
you guys are stoked! Have fun.

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Posted - 03/27/2009 :  12:15:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
There is a filthy guitar orgy underway right now in room 114.
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2009 :  5:57:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Where are the updates you jerk-offs???
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Is Anybody Here?

30 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2009 :  8:35:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah!! I've been checking and rechecking these boards waiting for some great stories, so lets have 'em.
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Is Anybody Here?

3 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2009 :  9:55:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was at the show... That was incredible!

"Dave?... not necessary"
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2009 :  12:20:09 AM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Hey all, I just got home from the 10 hour drive from Ohio to Iowa. I, as well as the rest of the crew, will post pics, videos, and all the other details of our awesome experience in the coming days. Rest assured IT KICKED ASS!

I'm off to catch up on much sleep.
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196 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2009 :  5:57:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by GuitarGuy305

Hey all, I just got home from the 10 hour drive from Ohio to Iowa. I, as well as the rest of the crew, will post pics, videos, and all the other details of our awesome experience in the coming days. Rest assured IT KICKED ASS!

I'm off to catch up on much sleep.

Thank you
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2009 :  7:04:27 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Guys, I am in the middle of a HUGE project at home that I worked on all day today, but I promise, I and the rest of us will get all of our stuff up as soon as possible.

And yes, I did rub my balls on Tim's guitars.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2009 :  8:07:06 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

And yes, I did rub my balls on Tim's guitars.

Whew! I was really hoping that someone would do that...I wish it could have been me...
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155 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  01:38:55 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Ugh this thread is pathetic. www.timreyholds.com has a much better one.

I'm almost there...
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  04:33:40 AM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I thought it was on http://www.tomreyholds.com.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  09:43:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

I thought it was on http://www.tomreyholds.com.

What in the Hell are you doing posting anything other than updates from the Fur Peace Ranch? How dare you!
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  1:11:59 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Eat it! AHAHA I'm gettin there...

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

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Posted - 04/01/2009 :  8:15:08 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I have about 50 or so pictures on my facebook page that I uploaded from my iphone while I was there. If anyone wants to see them just look me up - Jeff Abeles. Mobile uploads show up in backwards order for some reason so you need to go from the last picture on the last page and hit previous.

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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  10:53:55 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I've been buried in work and other things since I got back, but apart from calling a few friends tomorrow night to share my experience, I plan on uploading some pics to Facebook so if you have that you can check them out there. Otherwise, I think there was talk of everyone from Tim's workshop sharing one Flickr account or something. I might set one up anyway just for my pics until others' start rolling in.

All I can say is, after being back in the "real world" for a full day now, it fucking sucks and I want to go back to Fur Peace Ranch!
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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  11:12:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not on Facebook.

So now you have to change your plans and do everything you can to satisfy me specifically and all of my needs.

Get to it.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2009 :  11:12:58 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Yeah man, you assholes were the best.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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Posted - 04/03/2009 :  1:43:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I will be posting pics up tonight! So funny how none of us tried to even explain the majesty of this past weekend.
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

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Posted - 04/03/2009 :  2:02:03 PM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
It's because there's too much to cover... where do we even start?!

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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2009 :  4:34:39 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
At the beginning.

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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160 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2009 :  11:32:09 PM  Show Profile  Visit DaRavyn's Homepage  Send DaRavyn an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Wow guys, I totally missed a whole bunch on this thread before the seminar! Holy shit, sorry about that, i am glad though Adam and everyone got ahold of me via facebook and email. What a great time it truly was to be out there. Amazing, Still haven't put down my axe yet. I posted a few pictures on facebook and will be posting all of them to Cahills site which everyone has been posting fur peace pics. Finally great to meet all of you and put a face to the screen names.

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Yak Addict

749 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2009 :  11:49:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And what website of Cahill's would that be?
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Is Anybody Here?

6 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  08:24:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Does anyone have audio/video of the student performances? That's always a highlight of the weekend.
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Posted - 04/07/2009 :  10:32:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Yes we do but to be respectful to the FPR, I think we should all keep the videos for private use. I plan on making a 3 minute video including a bunch of silly stuff put to one of Tim's songs. Hopefully by this weekend! As far as the student performances you'll have to join us next year!
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

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Posted - 04/07/2009 :  11:25:27 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Dave as I remember it we were allowed to record/share the student performances, just not anything of Tim's concert or instruction...

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Is Anybody Here?

6 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  5:54:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First of all, I've been privileged to be there a few times and it warms my heart that you would feel respect and be protective of the FPR vibe. You have my respect for that.
That said, the student performances are completely open (with the student's agreement) to be shared anywhere, anyhow. The instructors' performances or lessons, not so.
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Is Anybody Here?

1 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  5:59:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
i was there for that
it was cool
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  6:02:10 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Hey Nathan, nice to see you here.
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Hopeful Rolling Waves
Alien Abductee

South Sandwich Islands
2154 Posts

Posted - 04/07/2009 :  9:32:01 PM  Show Profile  Send Hopeful Rolling Waves an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Nate, you guys gave us a bullshit email!!! AHAHA Seriously though, we emailed all the stuff your way but it wasn't being delivered. Do you have an email you use often. and I can send ya the details!

And good jamming with you man, stick with it, you'll be the sickness in a few years if you keep trying to play like that TR guy can!

I'll always remember how you busted a nut on the first day...AHAHA

http://db.etree.org/hopefulrollingwaves/ < My Trading List
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1916 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2009 :  09:36:42 AM  Show Profile  Visit rubylith's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ohhh the STUDENT PERFORMANCES, I misread that! I am a dumbass. Yea did anyone get video of them? I can only speak for myself but by then it was nice to not have to do anything but sit there and enjoy the music. I hope someone got some video of them! I only got a small portion of Adam's song.

What's up Nathan!?
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Alien Abductee

2007 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2009 :  6:44:36 PM  Show Profile  Send GuitarGuy305 an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I got most of Dave playing Valuables, I got Jeff, Patrick and I think Dan playing his first song. All on my crappy Sony digital camera, but it's something.
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Posted - 04/09/2009 :  01:04:07 AM  Show Profile  Send sciphish an AOL message  Reply with Quote
Well, I'm glad someone got something. I got lori's, but she didn't even want mine, she ended up asking someone else to do it, even though mine would clearly be better... I digress. Too bad my first one was crap, I digress again. LOL.

actually, I'd like to see it.

I'm almost there...
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Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee

3321 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2009 :  03:00:36 AM  Show Profile  Send Silky The Pimp an AOL message  Reply with Quote
I believe Fluffy got them all so hopefully we'll be able to see those at some point. I'd love to see any videos that anyone else has too.

Good to see you on here Nathan.

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