does anyone here know the full set list to "thin air acoustic 1 11" im trying to downloud the whole thing cause there is some good songs on it if you can help me than thanks. And hello to all the message board people im new here.
First off, Welcome aBOARD!! Thin Air was recorded in COLORADO (hell ya, better than PA Pam) I believe it was the '99 Paramount Theater shows. hope that helps!
The Stone (Wise Men) Crush Too Much Bartender-> Don't Drink the Water (This Land) Satellite Two Step Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) Nature->Tripping Billies So Much To Say (Christmas Song) (Christmas Song) Warehouse (Passion) John the Revelator Lie In Our Graves Jimi Thing-> What Will Become of Me-> Pantala Naga Pampa (Spoon) Spoon Ants Marching -Encore- Say Goodbye Dancing Nancies