I live in Greeley Colorado and I just found out that Tim is going to be playing tonight in boulder which is an 1 1/2 hour drive. The venue said tha he is touring wsith Doug Baker. The only prob is I don't want to drive all the way down there if Tim is going to be some kind of a minimal side show, Fluffy can you help me and tell me if Tim is the main venue or is doug, and who the hell is Doug Baker?
I think TIM usually has someone opening with him for his shows. Last tour it was mainly Greg Howard. Before that at least once it was Devon. I imagine Doug Baker will play a set, then TIM will play the main gig. That is usual, anyway.
I don't think you have to worry about TIM being a minimal sideshow. I have no idea who the hell Doug Baker is. Sorry.
I've been wondering who was opening for TIM this tour. Now I guess I know.
It would be worth the drive for me if he was the minimal side show.
Minimal sideshows generally get, what, an hour or hour and a half set? Plus, it would be earlier, and you could just ditch Doug Baker and get back on the road earlier.