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 I need a ticket for tonight!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DMBzilla Posted - 11/11/2009 : 11:49:44 AM
Anyone have any extras for tonight's show at Triumph in New Hope? I didn't realize they were actually selling tickets for this one (because they never sell tickets for their shows) and missed out.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fluffy Posted - 11/20/2009 : 2:40:13 PM
You made it in correct? I think I may have talked with you after the gig. I hope so! Peace
DMBzilla Posted - 11/11/2009 : 3:10:10 PM
For now the show is definitely sold out, but I'd imagine something might pop up between now and the time of the show.

I'm heading over to the venue in a few minutes to try and see what I can work out, so if anyone sees this before they leave and has an extra, please email me -- I'll get it on my phone. Thanks!
gnome44 Posted - 11/11/2009 : 2:37:18 PM
I would be surprised if they were sold out. It's possible that they simply stopped offering the tickets for sale online since the show is tonight. I'd call them if I were you and see if they had tickets.

I hope I'm right...for your sake...

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