If we made them actual size they would not fit in the little boxes as nicely. Therefore, we opted to make them look a little more like UKULELEs, at least size-wise. We could always go back to the stars. HEHE
This was the last topic on the last page. The last response written one year ago today. When our guitars were just little and young. How cool is that! The headlines read:
Whoa...the last topic on the last page for me was something from 8.23.01. Maybe we have different last pages...but it's completely irrelevant (erich's post to someone about something from then) so no point in bringing it back, except now I know someone will since I said that...
I am not the albatross of love, I am the human ellipsis. I am dot dot dot. - Leo Kottke
I hate beating people over the head with anything. We can all make up our own minds. What we don’t have is enough music. More music please. - Leo Kottke