I waited for NINE HOURS today to get tickets for the University of Oregon vs. Oregon State University Civil War football game! Yah, that's right from 6:30 am until 3:30 pm. I didn't go to any classes. It completely SUCKED waiting that long! Not to mentioned I wanted to kill the people cutting in front of me. People actually started camping out for tickets on Friday! CRAZY!
Well, I may reconsider waiting in a line again if it involves a Tim Reynolds show. Last time I waited for four hours and five minutes before they opened the door four drunk girls pushed their way to the front. My friends seriously had to hold me back because I was about to beat the shit out of them considering I previously WAS first in line (before they came). I did say a few choice words to their sorry asses!
Sorry, I needed to vent. It was a long day of standing and waiting for a football ticket!
That's why seeing tim is so cool. He is the nastiest guitarist out there and there is no hassle to see him. I want him to become as popular as the next guy, but that means tickets sell out in five minutes and not everyone can see him. Hopefully everyone in the world keeps listening to shitty pop music and we can see tim in small clubs/bars. A guaranteed good time.