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Alien Abductee
3712 Posts |
Posted - 03/24/2005 : 12:19:01 PM
So what do you guys think about compiling a "Frequently Asked Questions" section for the site? I know that I often spend a lot of time searching through old topics, and reading through various interviews to find answers to questions that are asked over and over again. It might be a bit easier to compile a list, and then just reference that somewhere on the site. Just a thought, and I'd be glad to help out.
Before you begin, you may first want to read TR’s BIOGRAPHY to get a quick overview of who TR is, and from where he began.
With that done, on to the questions:
Q: The show I want to see is 21+, can someone help me get in? Whom should I contact?
A: I have been getting alot of messages from people having problems not being over 21 to get into certain venues. Sorry to say those are either state laws or club rules. WE really have no control over their policies. It is unfortunate that some of our shows end up at 21+ venues and for this we apologize to our under 21 fans. I really do feel horrible. When I am not on the road, I work at one of the few all ages, all the time clubs that serves alcohol. I love the club for that reason, It seems assinine to assume that because you are not 21 you cannot come to a concert and still enjoy it. My suggestion to those under 21 interested in attending a show at a 21+ venue, contact the venue and explain your situation like an adult(no bitching or whining cause that will get you nowhere) and see if they are willing to make an exception or if there is something that can be done to accomodate you. SomeTIMes they will make an exception if you are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Some clubs, but not all clubs, can actually be very understanding and helpful in these situations. After all your money is as good as the 21+er. If you do manage to get an exception made for you to attend, let me add, DO NOT Drink or possess alcohol while in the club. This will make them rethink making exceptions for anyone in the future and it also jepardizes their liquor license which is how they stay in business. Act responsibly! Good Luck and hope to see you at some shows.
Q: Does Tim Reynolds allow his shows to be taped and traded?
A: Tim Reynolds - Taping Policy
Q: If Tim Reynolds allows his shows to be taped, why will some venues not allow me to tape?
A: Despite the fact that TR does allow taping, some venues do not allow their shows to be taped for various different reasons. In other words, it takes both TR‘s AND the venue’s permission to record. Please call ahead to the venue to politely inquire about their taping policy.
Q: I/my band want to cover a TR song, is that OK?
A: It is encouraged.....please read the following thread for more details: COVERING TR
Q: Is it possible to meet TR and/or have him sign my guitar, car hood, carpet, butt, etc etc etc?
A: Meeting TR
Q: I’ve only heard Tim play with DMB. What should my first TR solo cd be?
A: This is a tough one because ultimately it comes down to preference. However, most people consider “Stream” to be the most accessible starting point for Tim’s solo catalogue because it is a straight-up acoustic disc with no effects or overdubs. Just TR. From there, “Gossip of the Neurons” is a live acoustic album, and “See Into Your Soul” and “Nomadic Wavelength” are mostly acoustic with a bit of programming. If you are looking to get into the electric side of things, both “Sanctuary” and “Parallel Universe” are double-disc sets that offer both acoustic as well as electric songs. Similarly, Puke Matrix is a live electric cd with a band, and Astral Projection is a studio project with that same band. Chaos View features Tim live, solo, electric.
Q: Where can I purchase Tim Reynolds’ cds?
A: Tim Reynolds MERCHANDISE Tim Reynolds’ entire catalogue is available online through both Music Today, and Amazon. Since TR is the epitome of the independent artist, it may be difficult to find his catalogue in retail stores, although there have been numerous sightings in such retail outlets as Virgin, Tower, and Best Buy. TR’s catalogue is distributed via Redeye Distribution, and can be special ordered at almost any retailer. You can also purchase TR CDs at almost every live performance.
Q: What other CD's has TR played on?
A: TR Discograpy page TR Discography Thread Side Projects Thread
Q: Is it OK to trade TR's albums that are out of print?
A: Yes, if titles are officially out of print, they can be traded like live shows. Titles that are currently out of print include TR3’s “Light Up Ahead” “Self-Titled TR3” and “Shifting Currents”.
Q: What about other Merchandise?
A: A Chaos View DVD exists, although was only pressed to a limited number of copies. Copies may be available at live shows, along with tour posters and occasionally press photos. Stickers and T-Shirts have been discussed, but have yet to surface. For more info on the DVD click this link: ChaosView DVD
Q: If Tim Reynolds is such a profoundly talented guitarist, why is he not signed to a major record label?
A: I have personally asked TR this question, and his reply was that he has been offered his fair share of record deals, and turned them all down because he values the freedom of being an independent artist. Such freedoms allow TR to record what he wants, when he wants, and tour a less rigorous schedule. In essence, it means that TR can do what he wants, when he wants, and not what a record label would want. Specifically, Tim has stated that, “"I've given lots of thought to it, but every time I got close to it, I found it was just too constricting,"
Q: How long has Tim Reynolds been playing guitar?
A: Essentially, his entire life. TR started out playing bass guitar as a youth in his church, and progressed into guitar soon after.
Q: Does Tim Reynolds practice or is he just naturally good?
A: Observations from Discussions with TR
Here are some other useful threads to delve into understanding TR a bit more:
TR From Another Perspective See gazelle's post toward the bottom of the thread
TR & DMB fans Lengthy, but quite informative.(From Fluffy's perspective)
For A Clearer Understanding of TR's Unique Situation Please read the whole thread as it is very easy to take some of the comments here out of context. Very informative if all is read. ENJOY!
Q: Does Tim Reynolds have any particular artists that he points to as being influential, or inspirational?
A: Yes! At various times, TR has pointed to all of the following, in addition to many more as being influential, and inspirational: Bob Marley, Trent Reznor, Peter Gabriel/Genesis, Marilyn Manson, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Aphex Twin and John McLaughlin. To delve deeper into TR’s influences, take a gander at a list of songs that TR has covered: TR COVERS
Q: Does Tim Reynolds have any books out on tablature or technique?
A: As stated by Tim himself in an interview: “I wouldn't ever have the time to do it. I'd rather practice and figure out new songs than doing something like that. And there's a lot of people who could probably do it way better than me. As far as figuring out, you know? Cause I just improvise so much. I could explain a lot of it personally to someone else. That might help them. But that would really involve someone who could really make a book out of it. I'm too scatter brained and unfocused, in that area. I'm very focused when I'm playing, but not in that. It's like describing a monkey on paper. You don't really get the monkey till you're with the monkey. But, just describing the monkey on paper doesn't do it for me.”
Q: What kind of guitars does Tim play?
A: Over his career, TR has utilized numerous models of both acoustic and electric guitars. For a complete overview of TR’s setup, please visit:
Q: Does Tim only play the Guitar?
A: Not even close! Over his career, TR has played, and recorded with violins, sitars, mandolins, didgeridoos, various percussive instruments, keyboards, and has recently become proficient in programming and sequencing drum machines and samplers.
Q: Why is Tim’s voice so raspy?
A: As stated by Tim in an interview: “I used to be able to sing real high and I found during the disco era, I could sing all the girl parts. Then I got into a car accident and severed my vocal chords. I could barely talk for years.”
Q: Is it true that Tim doesn’t like to be called TIMMY?
A: Yes, despite the fact that Dave Matthews has often referred to Tim as “Timmy”, Tim has personally told me that he prefers just Tim, and that “Only his Mother called him Timmy.” Fluffy's Two Cents: Yes, TR definitely prefers Tim to Timmy. There are numerous examples on live performances of TR changing his name to Goat, Rebecca, Becky and even Fluffy as a response to the audience shouting, "Timmah!!!"(eg. "My real name is Becky, none of this "Timmy" shit!" tr2003.09.13 - d1t03) Something to keep in mind, if you were onstage and everyone kept yelling something at you that annoyed you don't you think it would break your concetration a bit? Well, even on a bad nite TR gives 110%, but just think how much better it could be for both TR AND the performance the audience recieves if TR had no annoying distractions from people yelling "Timmah!!!!" during the show. He would be free to concentrate more on the performance instead of always being distracted by the annoying yelling. Just food for thought!
Q: Why the fascination with aliens?
A: I think this is more of a joke than anything, but TR does live in New Mexico and has been quoted as saying that “you see some crazy shit in the sky”. TR recommends reading the book "Pentagon Aliens" by William Lyne.
Q: What other books does TR recommend?
A: TR’s Book Recommendations
Q: Why does Tim wear sunglasses on stage, does he think he’s cool or something?
A: TR is a model of modesty, the sunglasses are a result of the fact that TR hates the bright white lights that most venues blast on stage so that the audience can see the performers.
Q: What’s the fascination with sleeveless shirts?
A: One answer could be comfort, but in all honesty, he rocked them off!
Q: When will TR and Dave tour or play together again?
A: The answer to that is not so simple and unfortunately not something we in the TR camp can usually answer. The decisions about all of that are done in the DMB/Dave camp. Basically, TR is a hired gun on those tours and shows and we rarely have much advance knowledge of their tour plans, dates, etc for Dave and if his plans will include TR. Once the Dave/DMB camp has decided they want to do something with TR they find out if he is available to do the dates. As I have stated many TIMes before, TR is not waiting around for this to happen, but is receptive to future work with Dave if he is available when they call with proposed dates. We rarely know when this will happen as it is all decided on the Dave/DMB end. When we do know something it is usually not long before the public is aware of it. I would love to post that info as soon as we know it's a possibility, but out of respect for Dave, his career and mgmt we let them make the announcements to the public. They run the show for those tours. Until they tell us we can talk about it we must keep it quiet. The jist of all this that asking that question on this board will rarely get a polite response from TR fans and I generally can't answer it until the Dave camp tells us we can talk about it which is usually never before they have made their announcement. Most we can ever say with any confidence is that Dave is always talking about future tour possibilites with TR and that it will probably happen at some point in the future. Keep watching the Dave/DMB sites for those announcements. Unfortunately, it is out of our hands. For even more detail about this situation, please check out the following thread: Dynamics Of A Dave & TR Tour
Q: Is it true that Dave’s musical start was with Tim Reynolds?
A: The simple answer here is yes. Tim explains that he was playing in Charlottesville, VA “in the late '80s. I played there(Miller's in C-ville) all the time. He[Dave] was a bartender there. I knew the rest of band way before that. We played together in Charlottesville since I moved there in '81. I would play with LeRoi and Carter. Dave moved to town in '87.” "When they(DMB) started, I already had my own band [TR3]," Reynolds said. "I told him(Dave Matthews), `I've got a band and I kind of like the way it is. You should start your band.' I could see that he needed to do his own thing."
Q: Why doesn’t Tim join DMB as a full time member?
A: The answer to this is similar to the reason that TR chooses not to sign with a major label: he values the freedom of being his own musician. TR goes into this a bit more by saying that, “I've been doing my own thing for years. It's not the biggest, most popular thing in the world but it means a lot to me, and I like to keep in touch with it.”
Q: Is it true that Dave and/or members of DMB and Tim had a falling out?
A: This couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is, that Tim is very busy with his own music, and Dave is very busy with his music. Should the opportunity present itself, Tim has stated that he would absolutely collaborate with Dave Matthews in the future, and that the “possibility is always in the air." Furthermore, Tim has stated that. “I'm not going to call him up and say, "Hey Dave, can we do an acoustic tour?" That would be crazy. He's so much bigger now than he was the last time we did the acoustic shows. On my part, it would be a sell-out move, because it's not what I want to do. And I could just sail along into the big time on Dave's name - John Mayer is totally copping that sound and living off that. I've already gotten what I need from working with Dave, spiritually. But I knew I had to go out and do my own work.” |
god Kevin |
Silky The Pimp
Alien Abductee
3321 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2005 : 7:26:29 PM
I'm too lazy to pull them up right now, but I get emails all the time asking what finger exercises TR does. We can certainly throw the ones in that I tabbed out ages ago, but if Fluffy might be able to find out a few that TR does I'm sure that's info people would love to know. |
Alien Abductee
2007 Posts |
Posted - 03/31/2005 : 3:13:08 PM
Tim's top 10 favorite DD-5/DL4 settings should be part of the FAQ. |
Alien Abductee
6990 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2005 : 12:35:45 PM
Fluffy mentioned a few things for the FAQ.... now if I could just remember them.
I know for one thing, the guitar setup is already on the site. So that could be easy to link. I did notice that the guitar pics are out of date, because the Strat isn't on there. The setup is from 2002 Chaos View, and has changed a little, I think. But it's still good.
Another thing was TR's taping policy, which can also be found on this site, and would need to be included.
I'm about 74% sure that those are the only two things mentioned specifically. Sorry to Fluffy if I forgot one.
Tim Reynolds Downloads I am not the albatross of love, I am the human ellipsis. I am dot dot dot. - Leo Kottke
I hate beating people over the head with anything. We can all make up our own minds. What we don’t have is enough music. More music please. - Leo Kottke |
Alien Abductee
6990 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2005 : 5:39:46 PM
Also, what notable appearances has TR made in magazines. Guitar World Acoustic #30, etc...
Insight into TR's method of song naming would be spectacular, too. |
Tim Reynolds Downloads I am not the albatross of love, I am the human ellipsis. I am dot dot dot. - Leo Kottke
I hate beating people over the head with anything. We can all make up our own minds. What we don’t have is enough music. More music please. - Leo Kottke |
279 Posts |
Posted - 11/14/2005 : 5:42:54 PM
wow, never knew the part aobut TR getting into a car accident thats awful. |
When the trees start walking, the ground starts moving, your insane, your insane |
Is Anybody Here?
22 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2006 : 3:35:59 PM
great info thank you, I'm new on the bandwagon. I saw Tim with a friend a few months ago. 1st time. i've seen a ton of live shows. it was an absolute mind blow. |
nice girls finish last |
Alien Abductee
6990 Posts |
Posted - 06/01/2006 : 6:00:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by Maraika
great info thank you, I'm new on the bandwagon. I saw Tim with a friend a few months ago. 1st time. i've seen a ton of live shows. it was an absolute mind blow.
I love you for reading the FAQ first. You rule. |
Tim Reynolds Downloads I am not the albatross of love, I am the human ellipsis. I am dot dot dot. - Leo Kottke
I hate beating people over the head with anything. We can all make up our own minds. What we don’t have is enough music. More music please. - Leo Kottke |
Is Anybody Here?
22 Posts |
Posted - 06/02/2006 : 11:19:51 AM
and I love you for making all those Tim Reynolds downloads available. You rock! |
nice girls finish last |
Alien Abductee
6990 Posts |
Posted - 06/02/2006 : 6:07:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Maraika
and I love you for making all those Tim Reynolds downloads available. You rock!
It's only a link for convenience, I am not hosting those downloads. I did upload a few of them, but that's the most credit I can take, and I uploaded very few relatively, so my credit is less than a little. |
Tim Reynolds Downloads I am not the albatross of love, I am the human ellipsis. I am dot dot dot. - Leo Kottke
I hate beating people over the head with anything. We can all make up our own minds. What we don’t have is enough music. More music please. - Leo Kottke |
279 Posts |
Posted - 06/16/2006 : 8:20:29 PM
isn't exactly a question that needs to be in the faq but im' just curious and didn't want to make a new thread. this is for fluffy, how did u end up working with TR in the first place? well thanks in advance |
When the trees start walking, the ground starts moving, your insane, your insane |
10739 Posts |
Posted - 06/17/2006 : 03:14:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by JoeGamo05
isn't exactly a question that needs to be in the faq but im' just curious and didn't want to make a new thread. this is for fluffy, how did u end up working with TR in the first place? well thanks in advance
Here is a thread that gives a short bio of me:
and links to the story of how I ended up working for TR.
Anything else, feel free to ask, you can bring that thread back up to the top with your question. I would rather answer any further questions about me in that thread as opposed to this one. I am sure you understand. Thanx in advance. hehe |
Is Anybody Here?
1 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2010 : 02:52:57 AM
isn't exactly a question that needs to be in the faq but im' just curious and didn't want to make a new thread. this is for fluffy, how did u end up working with TR in the first place? well thanks in advance. It's a really great and fantastic informative post here in this forum. I appreciate that and like it very much. It's really fulfill the my and other viewers requirements very well. |
Is Anybody Here?
1 Posts |
Posted - 04/24/2010 : 07:12:23 AM
sn't exactly a question that needs to be in the faq but im' just curious and didn't want to make a new thread. this is for fluffy, how did u end up working with TR in the first place? well thanks in advance.
And i want to say that this is a nice thread and all the members are doing well hope more people join us.
Best Regard Russell |
Russell |
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