Hey guys, I was finally able to get online for the first time on the tour. I have been looking over the board and made comments where I felt they were appropriate. I will check in as often as I can. Thanx for all the kind words and concern. Things are going pretty great considering the state of affairs in the world. Tim is really psyched and he is really stretching out with the extra instruments. Some of the electric stuff really resembles ID material.(It may be because of the sampler) Tim closed the show in SLC with the SG and we actually had some guys headbanging. It was pretty funny. People really seem to dig it. The SG especially goes over well. As soon as Tim picks it up the crowd goes nuts. He has really only been using it at the end of the set, usually during encores. So everyone has watched it sitting there idle all nite and then Tim tears it up. Wait'll you see the pix. Oh yea, guess I should get on that. I will do the best I can. T'n'T pass on their regards and Thanx as well for all the concern. We are all safe and trying to spread the message of love and unity thru music. Keep the Faith cause it is working!!!!!