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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jsoldo Posted - 03/01/2009 : 2:49:25 PM
Hey everyone.

It's been a while since I updated the discography page and I was wondering if I could get some help. Can anyone think of albums that Tim has appeared on that are missing from this page:


10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
KevinLesko Posted - 03/02/2009 : 6:46:41 PM
oooh, good call about the grand canyon cd. That actually just came out on DVD and Blu-ray this week. I'm gonna have to look for that Blu-Ray.
dancheatham Posted - 03/02/2009 : 6:30:36 PM
Oh yeah, he's also on the Grand Canyon Advenutre: River at Risk 3D soundtrack (2008).
dancheatham Posted - 03/02/2009 : 02:34:22 AM
Dave Matthews and Friends - Bonnaroo 6/11/04
KevinLesko Posted - 03/02/2009 : 01:13:25 AM
live trax 2008 best of:

KevinLesko Posted - 03/02/2009 : 12:54:28 AM
songs for tibet:


KevinLesko Posted - 03/02/2009 : 12:52:25 AM
one more minor little detail:

Shannon Worrell's three wishes is available on itunes:


this is a really nice cd, with some great guitar by Tim, if you don't have it, I'd give it a listen. Also some appearances by Dave Matthews on vocals.
KevinLesko Posted - 03/02/2009 : 12:49:01 AM
there was this topic that I think has a few more:


dancheatham Posted - 03/01/2009 : 11:27:44 PM
Was it the 10K Lakes Festival sampler that had Do You Wanna on it?
KevinLesko Posted - 03/01/2009 : 11:01:44 PM
Here is a rare one, it is a re-used track from the Chaos Views cd, but nonetheless:

efraser77 Posted - 03/01/2009 : 2:56:42 PM
He has been on two live release DMB albums that are already out from 2008, Live Trax Vol. 13 and Mile High Music Festival. He is also on Live Trax Vol. 14 that is not yet released, and of course, their new studio album, Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King.

LT13: http://davematthewsband.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?cp=1_5575_8858&pc=DMDD40
MHMF: http://davematthewsband.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?pc=DMDD41
LT14: http://davematthewsband.shop.musictoday.com/Dept.aspx?cp=1_15933

If you want to include everything DMB, one of the new DMBLive series releases is a Dave & Tim show, Prism Coffeehouse, 4.22.93: http://davematthewsband.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?cp=1_5575_15755&pc=DMDD46

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