T O P I C R E V I E W |
KevinLesko |
Posted - 02/07/2009 : 4:28:55 PM D'oh! I forgot to get the exact setlist, so this is off memory. The order in the middle probably isn't exact, and I might have left out a song somewhere, but I think it's pretty close:
Cave Man Victory Express See You In Your Dreams By Your Side Wind Just Blew the Door Wide Open Uncover the Reason Skeleton Walls Breathing Space Backdoor How Many More Times Matte Kudasai Industrial Complex Ley Lines Faceoff New Blues Song (not sure of the name) Test of Time Do You Wanna Meaning To Tell You Wild Country Burning Season Kabbalah Sex Machine Hocus Pocus
Encore: Don't Know What --> Bridge of Sighs --> Don't Know What.
This was my first time going to this venue, actually I've never heard of it. It might be pretty new, but I liked it. It was literally right on the water at the base of a pier. Too bad it was raining all day (a rare event around here) as I'm sure it is a beautiful place to walk around. It was also underground as you entered at ground level and walked down a flight of stairs to get to the bar/floor.
Before the show I had the absolute pleasure of meeting two great people, and longtime TR fans in Rob (DaRavyn) and Keith (GtrOpus). We got to hang out, and chat for a while, and sip on some drinks during the two opening acts, neither of which were anything worth mentioning.
Tim and gang took the stage and right off the bat it was awesome. First of all I love it when Tim incorporates costumes into his act, and took the stage wearing these crazy dentist/doctor goggles with lights (see pictures). The first two songs they played were Caveman and Victory Express which are my favorite two songs, and were a great HEAVY way to start the show. The boys are VERY tight together, much more so than on any recording I've heard. "How Many More Times" really brought the house down. The crowd was pretty good, I didn't hear a single call for Stream, or acoustic, or DMB or anything. Actually the crowd was really digging on the heavier tunes: Backdoor, Industrial Complex, Faceoff etc... Lots of dancing by the females in the crowd towards the end of the night especially during Sex Machine, and Hocus Pocus The encore was just sick how they went back into "Don't Know What" after Bridge of Sighs.
After the show and spending a few minutes chatting with Rob, Keith, and Fluffy, I'm happy to announce that Radiance was for sale after the show which I got and listened to on the drive home. (That is a whole different topic there... ).
Perhaps the most exciting news of the night is that Keith recorded the entire set via a MATRIX hookup so we should get a wonderful recording.
Anyways, here are a few pictures:

and here are videos for Faceoff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ng4dMpm8Gw
and Hocus Pocus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziXfYD6Z8s8
complete photo album for the night can be seen on my myspace page: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=481462&albumId=3375546 |
7 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
powerglide |
Posted - 02/17/2009 : 6:56:34 PM Thanks! (in this thread?) |
Fluffy |
Posted - 02/14/2009 : 6:05:47 PM To my knowledge, GtrOpus from New Orleans recorded the show so it should show up very soon. Keep watching here for updates. PEACE |
powerglide |
Posted - 02/10/2009 : 2:08:06 PM First time poster! (Hi all!) Just wanted to say that I was at the Brixton, all the way till the end. It was the best live performance I have ever seen. I can't believe that: -it was that good -that the crowd was so small -that he played nearly 3 hours -that I almost frove down to Solana Beach to catch another show Thank you for the pictures and video, they got me through the jonesing... I'd really like to get a recording if anyone knows how I can get one, please let me know. TR3 fan for life. |
Fluffy |
Posted - 02/09/2009 : 12:58:40 PM The song directly before Backdoor was indeed Breathing Space. BS is a fairly new one for TR3. Only started playing it together in Dec if memory serves. Setlist for tonite was:
Cave Man Victory Express See You In Your Dreams By Your Side The Wind Just Blew Breathing Space Backdoor Uncover The Reason Skeleton Walls Industrial Complex How Many More TIMes Matte Kudasai Do You Wanna I'm Goin Insane Test of TIMe Face Off Wild Country Meaning To Tell You Kabbalah Sex Machine Ley Lines Burning Season Hocus Poker --------------- Don't Know What
Keith's recording will bear out the final results.
Hopeful Rolling Waves |
Posted - 02/08/2009 : 6:23:13 PM Live only, a recorded official copy can be found on Tim's Gossip of the Neurons album, and a bootleg video version on YouTube can be found here:
Both, acoustic renditions. As an insane Tim fan, I can tell you, the definitive version is from the 5/5/03 Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds show, which can be obtained thru various avenues; and is absolutely incredible.
alewis525 |
Posted - 02/08/2009 : 6:05:08 PM I was able to snag Mick's setlist after the show, and what you (KevinLesko) listed is correct up until How Many More Times...except for:
- Breathing Space and Backdoor are listed before Uncover the Reason - Industrial Complex is listed before How Many More Times
According to the written list, this was the order of things after the LZ cover: Matte Do You Wanna Goin Insane Test of Time Face off Wild Meaning Kaballa Sex Lee Lines Burning Hocus ----- Don't
I agree the crowd seemed into Tim's stuff and was respectful, although I did hear one girl scream for Dancing Nancies several times toward the end. ;-)
This was my second time seeing Tim...I don't have many of his albums so I didn't know most of the music, but I loved it all. I have a question, though.
Is the song Breathing Space on any album? That was my favorite song of the night. I assume I have the correct title...he played it on the Strat and it's the song that came immediately before Backdoor. It was the first song that night where he really went nuts with the volume swells.
I asked someone at the merch booth about the song...he looked at a few CDs but then said he thought it was just a live-only track that hadn't yet been properly recorded or released.
Does anyone here know for sure? |
Posted - 02/07/2009 : 5:19:14 PM OMG Keith was there! Damn, I'm mad at him for not telling me he was going! j/k Awesome that you got to meet both Keith and Rob. I met Rob at VA Beach and he took a lot of great pictures of TR3. Keith is a special friend......and I am still mad that he didn't tell me...LOL! Seriously, I am so glad he got to CA to hear TR3 although I know he heard them in NOLA. He is an awsome cameraman.
Thanks for the set list Kevin! I really have to meet you in person some day. I forget that I never met you before, seems like I have known you forever!
Skeleton Walls always makes me think of the first time I ever heard TR. I absolutely love Leelines and Kabbalah. Bet you were really blown away with Wild Country! Gosh, the whole set list is awesome. So happy you got to hear them! Are you also going to tonights show?
Thanks so much for posting this and also for the youtube and picture links. You have no idea how happy this made me! You rock Kevin!