T O P I C R E V I E W |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 11:37:58 AM I know it's been almost a week but this is the first time I've been able to sit down and write up my thoughts on the show. Before I get into the show itself, the experience was awesome. Our hotel was 2 blocks from the stadium so we were able to walk to and from the show, so we didn't have to sit in traffic after the show.
We did the VIP package thing which was very nice. We did it at Toyota Park last year but this was much better. The area was more spread out so you didn't feel claustrophobic, they had wine in addition to beer as part of the unlimited beverages and the VIP area extended backstage so we could actually watch Tim, Dave and the others going up to the stage to start the show.
Anyway, on to the review.
Two Step- Always a great opener. Tim adds so much to this song, whether it be his riffs from the Crash album or his additional improv bits. Tim also had a killer solo during the end jam part of this song. It was laden with delay and Tim's speedy riffs. Tim's tone seems crunchier on this tour which adds so much to this song. I don't see how any DMB fan could miss Butch Taylor on this tour because Tim does a great job filling in all the holes.
Rhyme and Reason - I have always loved the slide stuff that Tim does on this song. As with a lot of his playing with this band, it adds so much to the feel of the song. Tim, once again, had a killer solo with the slide. Leroi and Rashawn also do a great new little riff in this song. I also had to note that after his solo, Tim was doubling the riff that Dave plays during this song, but with a slide on his finger! I can barely play Dave's R&R riff with all 4 of my fingers!
Cornbread - This song has mad me cringe every time I've heard it before this tour. Tim seems to play more of the main riff on this song which gives it more of an edge. I still think Dave should go back to the drawing board with the lyrics, but Tim's guitar work should definitely stay as part of this song. Tim incorporates some of the riffs and fills that he does in the Tim & Dave versions of this song which are great on electric too. Also, Tim's use of the Moog Ring Mod during the verses is simply genius! It gives this spacey sound/feel that really works in that part of the song. Tim contributed another great solo to this song. It really amazes me how everything he plays just fits so well.
Crash Into Me - This song is always kind of a downer live but it's nice to hear when I'm there with my wife since it's one of her favorite songs. Tim's tone on this one was pretty clean with a bit of chorus. He played all the classic Crash riffs that the fans love along with some other arpeggio fills that really worked well.
One Sweet World - Tim used a combo of delay, volume swells and what I think was his Tube Rotosphere at during this song which gave it almost a Caribbean type feel which I really liked. Pretty straight forward version of the song with no real surprises. Tim had some great fills toward the end of the song as well.
#27 - Dave introduced this song as "I Hope You'll Be By Me Then" which will get all the DMB geeks pontificating about the new album and if this song will be on it. Tim had the slide for this song as well. The slide guitar gives a great feel to this song which sounds like a slowed-down version of Man of Constant Sorrow by the Soggy Bottom Boys.
So Damn Lucky - I was hoping for "Hey Hey, My My" when I saw Tim change to the Flying V, but this is what we got instead, but this is one of my favorite songs from the Some Devil album. Tim played a lot of the Some Devil type riffs on this song. It's interesting to hear the full band play this "Dave solo" song. I really like the riff that Tim plays at the end of this song. He's done it T&D style as well as on the Some Devil album. I enjoyed how Tim continued playing the riff for a couple measures after the rest of the band stopped playing.
Crush - A HUGE highlight of the show for me. Un-freaking-believable. During the main parts of the song, Tim played riffs similar to what is on the BTCS album that this song is on with a semi-clean/semi-overdriven tone. The jam at the end was what made this song so great. It starts quieter with Rashawn and a muted trumpet solo and builds from there. Leroi (sax) and Tim traded off solos during this jam and it was really incredible. Definitely something to seek out and hear if you have the chance. The crowd was going crazy during this exchange. Tim also did some crazy tapping stuff that had everyone in my section going nuts. Amazing showing by both Tim and Leroi.
Don't Drink The Water - Tim's overdriven tone on this one gives the song an even darker feel that it already has, which is great. I think I even heard some pinch harmonics in there somewhere (Zakk Wylde eat your heart out). I do kind of miss Tim's wah on this song, but he still does a lot with the low D harmonics and he used the Moog Ring Mod on this as well for some pretty crazy effects.
Hey Hey, My My - Who ever thought that the most moving song DMB would play in the last 5 years would be a cover? This song is a great choice for them to cover, and definitely a moment for Tim to shine. Tim nails all the riffs on the Flying V and adds some of his own. That crunchy tone is back as well which makes this song even better for me. Tim has a great solo in this song as well and really puts the Neil and Crazy Horse version to shame. Dave also nails the vocals in this song. I actually wouldn't be disappointed if this made their new album, cover or not. The only thing that bothered me about hearing this song is how many DMB fans probably thought it was an original or possibly new song of theirs.
Pay For What You Get - As a DMB fan, this was a great "oldie" song to hear. I was surprised to hear it. Tim always does a great job of picking the right tone and playing style from song to song. He does a great job of layering in this song and was using what I think was the Tube Rotosphere to give almost a pipe organ sound to some parts. Leroi also had a nice sax solo on this song.
Recently - This was another nice surprise. Tim played a lot of his classic fills in this song with more of an overdriven tone as well as adding a lot of other accents here and there.
Water/Wine Jam - I was completely floored to hear them going into this after Recently. They apparently hadn't played this little jam since 1996. You can hear it on the Red Rocks 1995 release. Sadly I don't think a lot of fans here knew what this was or how rare it was. Tim did some nice volume pedal/delay effects on this song.
Tripping Billies - Another DMB classic where Tim just adds great layers. He does a great harmonic fill during the opening chords. He also doubles Dave's riff by playing around with the standard chords of the verse with a lot of overdrive which sounds awesome. He also kicks on the Tube Rotosphere at times for that pipe organ sound. Butch who?
Grey Street - A pretty standard version. Tim was using the Rotosphere again for that organ sound.
You Might Die Trying - Our first "Stand Up" song of the evening, so we were doing pretty well. This song has a new life for me due to Tim's additions. Tim plays some nice volume pedal swells with delay during Dave's quiet verse parts, then kicks on the overdrive doubling Dave's part for the chorus. I'm also glad that Carter has ditched the electronic snare or whatever he used to play on this. I was hoping that Tim would use the Rotosphere (pipe organ sound) more on this song playing chords high up the neck on the snare hits, as I have always hear it that way in my head, but maybe as the song grows out on the tour more he'll incorporate those effects more. During the jam Tim doubles Boyd's violin plucking with overdrive which adds a great layer. Tim had a great solo in this song as well starting with a palm muted distorted riff, then moving into a full blown distorted solo that really owned the song. You can tell that as these shows go on, Tim gets more and more comfortable with these songs and moves around within them more and more. Simply amazing solo.
Ants Marching - Great T&D intro where they play the first verse together just the two of them. The mix of Dave's acoustic and Tim's overdriven electric really works. Tim incorporates some really country sounding riffs that sounded great, and even kicks on the Ring Mod a couple times. After the first verse the band comes in with the snare/sax/violin intro and the song kind of re-starts in the normal way.
Everyday - Dave incorporated a very short #40 tease into the beginning of this song. Tim's overdriven guitar adds a great layer to Everyday as well. He plays a riff throughout that is similar to the riff he plays during One Sweet World. He used the Tube Rotosphere again for that pipe organ sound which adds a lot to the song as well.
Louisiana Bayou - Stand Up song #2. Again, this song is much better with Tim's input. Tim pretty much takes over the beginning riff of this song as well as the verse riff. He did a great job replacing Butch's keyboard work during the break down of the song as well. The end jam of this song has always been one of my favorites to hear life with Leroi and Rashawn.
Thank You - Another cover that I really enjoy hearing them play. Tim seems at home with this one as well. The guitar riff he plays throughout the song easily gets stuck in your head. It's interesting to see Dave without the guitar just dancing around the stage with the mic singing. Tim did some cool effects with the Ring Mod and delay on this one as well. A great way to close an amazing show.
I think this is probably up there as far as the best DMB shows I have seen. The other one that comes close or might slightly beat this one is a show I saw in 1998 that also happened to include Tim. I really think that there is something about when Tim plays with them that makes them a tighter band and they all just seem more focused musically. I hope that this is a great sign of what their new album (including Tim) is going to be like.
There were also a number of extra mics up on the stage and the rumor is that this show was recorded for a possible live release. I would love to have a quality soundboard of this show so I hope that is true.
Here is a pic I snapped of Tim with the Flying V:

I have more of the pictures I took at the link below. I was only able to get pictures for about the first half of the show because the crack security team at Busch really started cracking down on people with cameras, though there was no pat down upon entry to the stadium.
http://picasaweb.google.com/guitarguy305/DMBStLouis06072008 |
20 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
KevinLesko |
Posted - 10/16/2008 : 01:00:04 AM I just got my copy of the new Live Trax today, listening to it right now. Only on track one as I type, but already it is more than worth it for Tim. His solo on Two Step was nuts! Can't wait to hear the whole show. |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/17/2008 : 11:32:29 AM This release could have been Stand Up: Live! And I would still buy it because of Tim. |
Ranting Thespian |
Posted - 08/16/2008 : 11:59:42 PM Some of the Live Trax series I question why the released them. That there is nothing special about them. Some, however, are great. I LOVE the Alpine show from 2004 they released! I also went to the show, so that made it even better. It had the best versions of Hello Again, Joy Ride, Sugar Will, and Crazy/Easy . . . and who can't love SUPER FREAK! Then the Crash release party one is also great. Then the one they released from the 2000 show is also very good, and so is the most recent one. It seems that the Live Trax shows are a hit and miss sort of deal.
Now, this show isn't the greatest setlist compared to other shows this summer, but the quality of the show is good. I mean, the ones with Halloween are great sets, expecially the one from Alpine (ASTB -> Too Much tease -> Halloween -> Water Into Wine Jam.
But, maybe one of the reasons they are choosing this date could be because LeRoi was at the show, and they may not want him to feel left out on the release, just a thought.
I think I will buy it for 2 reasons, 1 because Tim is on it, and 2 because it has Hey Hey, My My and Thank You. |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/14/2008 : 12:38:54 PM I would say that the covers are pretty similar to the originals, but DMB obviously puts their own spin on them. Tim definitely owns Hey Hey, My My and Thank You though. I really like Hey Hey, My My but I'm not sure whether I like the song in general or DMB's version. Unfortunately I don't know if you can get all the good covers in one show/release.
I still think it's a good release, especially for Tim fans that want to hear Tim playing with them for an entire show for the first time in 10 years. Even if I hadn't been at this show I'd still buy it just to hear the new arrangements with Tim. I do wish that 6/21 had been released though, the setlist was pretty solid. Plus Eh Hee sounds really great with Tim.
I honestly don't think any Tim fan would be disappointed with his performance with DMB on 6/7. |
Arthen |
Posted - 08/14/2008 : 01:14:26 AM My personal reservation had to do with the covers. How different are they from the originals? I was hoping to get a live album with Money, Sledgehammer, or Burning Down the House. |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/13/2008 : 10:30:54 PM I really do. The DMB fans are in an uproar that this "mediocre" show is being released, but I really think it is solid. Are there other songs I wish were being released? Yes, but this is only the first of what I'm sure will be a few releases from this tour.
The Crush from this night alone is worth it as is the D&T intro to Ants Marching and the covers of Hey Hey, My My and Thank You. Tim adds so much to all of the songs that I think he really breathes new life into them, especially songs like Cornbread that I've never really been thrilled with. And I really think that DMB with Tim sounds a lot different now than DMB with Tim sounded in 1998. |
Arthen |
Posted - 08/13/2008 : 10:18:12 PM So you think it's worth buying, aside from your energy about the release since you were at the concert? I've hesitated to purchase any of the Live Trax except the one with Tim, the show from 2000, and the Golden Gate Park one since I was at that one. |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/13/2008 : 6:11:32 PM It's official kids. I've already pre-ordered.
http://davematthewsband.shop.musictoday.com/Dept.aspx?cp=1_14298 |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/13/2008 : 07:17:41 AM quote: Originally posted by Ranting Thespian
quote: Originally posted by GuitarGuy305
. . . Looks like you will all have the opportunity to have a perfect quality recording of Tim with DMB!
We have that already, Live In Chicago.
Right...I was obviously talking about from the current tour. We also have Live Trax I with Tim, but the stuff with Tim this tour has been unreal. |
Ranting Thespian |
Posted - 08/13/2008 : 01:04:05 AM quote: Originally posted by GuitarGuy305
. . . Looks like you will all have the opportunity to have a perfect quality recording of Tim with DMB!
We have that already, Live In Chicago. |
KevinLesko |
Posted - 08/12/2008 : 8:00:12 PM Wow that's awesome news about the Live Trax! I was hoping they would release some stuff with TR soon. This is great! |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/12/2008 : 7:24:42 PM It still hasn't been officially announced by the DMB camp, but I think this makes it pretty much official. I'm pretty excited for this release.
http://www.shop.musictoday.com/Product.aspx?cp=9118_1_14298&pc=DM123COMBO |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 08/11/2008 : 11:46:33 PM Sounds like this show will most likely be the next "Live Trax" from DMB. Looks like you will all have the opportunity to have a perfect quality recording of Tim with DMB! |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 06/16/2008 : 07:20:00 AM Yeah, I actually got the show through DreamingTree.org, but I was wondering if I could re-up it somewhere else for people to download since I wasn't sure how many hear are frequent users of DreamingTree.
I guess otherwise I'd just suggest that people get this from dreamingtree.org. It was really a great show and I haven't listened to the entire thing, but the recording I downloaded is pretty good quality. |
Kevin |
Posted - 06/16/2008 : 02:25:42 AM Nice man thanks for the review. If you are looking to share a copy of this show with everyone, I would recommend dreamingtree.org ...places like archive.org don't let you upload DM stuff anymore, so the only other route online is through torrents. |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 3:03:12 PM quote: Originally posted by Arthen
Best review of the TR/DMB tour yet! Thanks, that was a stunning blow by blow account, I especially appreciated the technical aspects with TRs pedal work.
Thanks a lot! What can I say, I'm a gear nerd. I really was blown away by Tim's usage of something like the Moog Ring Mod. I've heard other guitarists use that effect for just random noise (which is a waste of it's hefty price tag) but Tim actually used it almost percussively at times which is really cool. Especially melding such a wacky effect like that with music like DMB's.
Does anyone know where I could host this show? I'd be willing to up it in WAV format if anyone would want it.
Arthen |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 2:57:46 PM Best review of the TR/DMB tour yet! Thanks, that was a stunning blow by blow account, I especially appreciated the technical aspects with TRs pedal work.
Thanks. |
gnome44 |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 12:46:48 PM Well...good job. Keep up the good memory-work! |
GuitarGuy305 |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 12:39:18 PM I didn't take notes during the show but I jotted stuff down when we got back to the hotel room. Other than that I did go a lot from memory. Some stuff like the use of the pedals just stood out in my mind anyway though. I also had started writing this starting Sunday afternoon but I had work and school to attend to between now and then so I didn't have time to formulate it into complete thoughts and get the pics uploaded until today. |
gnome44 |
Posted - 06/13/2008 : 12:27:32 PM Thanks for the review.
I have a general question. Did you take notes during the show? I ask, because I am pretty much totally incapable of remembering any sort of detail from shows...even a few hours later. My memory is awful, so I have an excuse.
But yours is either the best in the world...or you took notes. |