T O P I C R E V I E W |
tericee |
Posted - 03/14/2007 : 06:10:20 AM Despite the fact that I am now in trouble with my boss for cutting out of work early, I was able to go to the show last night. Since I haven't had access to my blog, I'm typing everything here and then will move it over to 360.
My friend Christiane met me at the train station and then we took public transit over to the venue. (She also lives in Stuttgart, but just happened to have meetings with some Daimler-Chrystler co-workers in Cologne on Tuesday and Wednesday. Very handy, since I needed a +1.) It was a bit of a walk to get to E-Werk, since it's in an industrial district, but I'm glad we did it.
A block away and around the corner from the place, we ran into Tim, who was enjoying his daily constitutional! (If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have seen him, so I'm glad we were cheapskates.) We chatted for a while about how the tour is going, how his family is doing, and how he likes the coffee of Europe (see other thread).
I hadn't realized that this tour is his first trip to Europe as an adult. He LOVES it, and said he hopes to come over on his own sometime. I told him to do that before I move in 2009! I think Diane and the family would also like to join him for a visit since they didn't get to come this time.
We realized it was near 7PM, so we parted ways with Tim, and headed off to find a "will call" window, or somebody who knew where to find the keepers of the guest list. (Because I am a dolt, I forgot to take a photo with Tim, to prove to all you guys that I'm not making this up. Oops.)
When we turned the corner and the venue was in view, we saw there was a HUGE (two blocks long maybe) line of people waiting to get in. Hoping that, as Fluffy's sister, I would be exempt from that fate , we made our way to the front of the queue and the security guy at the head of it. Christiane asked in German where we should go and he pointed to the one door not blocked by the line. YAY!
We found the woman with the guest list, and after much confusion and scanning of several lists, she finally found my name. (Whew!) Christiane and I were issued stickers that indicated we were guests of the talent, which is different from guest of the club, apparently. Way cool! (Interestingly, we were instructed to put them on one of our thighs since they usually fall off they are put on a coat or sweater or t-shirt.)
We bought some drinks and then reserved ourselves a spot at the balcony rail. (At 5'2" I simply don't do the "floor" thing.) Sadly, I wasn't able to record the show.
I didn't take any photos either, since I was trying to heed the rules of the venue. There was a big sign that said no photos or video. However, there were ALOT of people taking photos and video with camera phones and cameras, so I did give in a take a 30-second video during Tim's solo. I can't upload to YouTube from work, so will have to wait until I get home tonight.
I tried to keep track of the songs that were played, but since I don't know Dave's repertoire as well as many of you, I don't know the names of some of the songs. Here's what I came up with.
DM/TR Set List - Cologne (with commentary) Dave: "This show is going to be about Love, Sex and Death."
Unholy Day/Fools Rush In (by Elvis)
Stay or Leave
...started to play one thing (no clue what it was from intro - sorry), but had “the giggles” and decided original song was too serious. Switched to: Save Me
Somewhere in the early part of the show, Dave made a comment about he and Tim liking to play together and saying they really ought to do it more often. But then they wait for a long long time and afterward they say again, “We really ought to do that again soon.” Crazy (Tim's accompaniment was using a metal slide on his finger - very cool) So Damn Lucky
Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back)
Lie In Our Graves
Lady yells: "I love you Tim" and Tim yells back "I love you too" in falsetto
Smooth Rider
When the World Ends
Dave Leaves Stage
Tim's Solo
Dave Returns
No Words to Defend
Dave monologue: Real Men don't get the giggles. But I'm not a real man. I'm part plastic. Soon I'm going to get a plastic asshole. But there's only one in the world, and GW Bush has it. That's not fair.
Dave: This song is by my friend Daniel Lenoir… The Maker
Don’t Drink the Water
Dave: "This song was inspired by my Grandfather... He was cool." Oh
Dave: I hate all the war makers. If I could, maybe I should put them all in a corner and heap some lovin' on 'em, but I can't do that so I'll just hate them. All this murdering is terrible and there's nobody that does it better than us.
Crash (sing along)
Dancing Nancies w/ Tim doing Flamenco-ish accompaniment
Tim and Dave leave stage ENCORE
Dave (alone on Electric Guitar): "This song is about Love, Sex, and Death" Some Devil
Tim rejoins Dave, who tells a story about how close he and his sister are and that when they were young they used to tell people they switched hearts. I thought it was poignant, but couldn't help thinking of the little alien toy, named "Sister," that Tim used to have on his mic stand. The woman next to Christiane and me, however, was crying – sobbing even. Wow. Sister
Ants Marching (sing along)
Grace Is Gone
Dave: I'm a joyful guy because it's easier that way. I'm at my happiest when I'm playing with Tim.” After this he made a comment about not having drum intros at acoustic concerts. But he assured us that even though we couldn’t hear the XX (sound effect noise sounded really like drums) he could hear it in his head. Gray Street
Two Step
After the show, I decided to see if we could get backstage to get my photo taken with Tim (and maybe Dave too). We hung out with another group of friends who had the guest list sticker/patch on their jeans. After 15 or 20 minutes, Dave's tour manager came out and invited us into the dressing room area, which was backstage *and* downstairs. Woo hoo! I introduced myself as Fluffy's sister, and he immediately knew who I was. My friend Cristiane said to call her Cris, and was very impressed when the he remembered it later. He also offered us cold beverages, which was nice!
Dave was the first person to wander into our vicinity, but Tim wasn't in view anywhere, so I introduced myself (again) as Fluffy's sister. Dave remembered Fluffy and was very cordial. I thought it was funny that the other group of people were all with a guy who introduced himself as "Julie's Brother." I have no clue who Julie is, but obviously Fluffy isn't the only well-connected sibling in the world.
Tim wandered out to say hello, so I asked him if I could take a belated photo since I had forgotten when we chatted outside. He said sure, and then Dave offered to be in the photo as well. I took out my camera, which wouldn't work because I had filled my SD card with 30 seconds of Tim solo video. The tour manager, Bill, was kind enough to take a picture with his camera; he said he will e-mail it to Fluffy. It will be posted on my blog whenever I get it.
Since Christiane had a meeting the next morning, and I had to catch the train at oh-dark-thirty (5:54 AM) to get back to Stuttgart and work by 9:30, we excused ourselves after twenty minutes or so. We had to get directions twice since we were so disoriented going out a different door than we went in.
At the front gate of the venue, there were still fans hanging out with posters and other autograph-able items just hoping for a glimpse of Dave (and hopefully Tim). I apologized for not being famous and then felt a little guilty for having monopolized Dave and Tim for so long backstage/downstairs.
We took a taxi back to Christiane's hotel, where she let me crash from 12:30 until 5:00AM, when I had to get to the train station. |
8 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Fluffy |
Posted - 09/10/2007 : 04:30:58 AM Some video footage of the Cologne show:
Fluffy |
Posted - 04/27/2007 : 04:07:08 AM from Fluffy: No need Teri, I took care of it for you, Luv Ya!! |
tericee |
Posted - 04/26/2007 : 08:40:43 AM I finally got a copy of the photo Dave's tour manager took while my friend Christiane and I were back stage. It wouldn't post, but it's in my Yahoo! Photo album...

I'll have to try again from Flickr tonight.
tericee |
Posted - 03/23/2007 : 7:42:53 PM I kept meaning to check YouTube, but I can't do it from work. I finally did and I found there are a number of recordings on there from Cologne. I'm not sure any of them are of Tim's solo, but you might like to peruse them anyway:
There are other videos of his European solos, but not from Cologne:
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tim+reynolds+solo+2007 |
KevinLesko |
Posted - 03/14/2007 : 3:12:50 PM Wow Teri!!! Thanks for the speedy review. That sounds like a truly amazing night, I'm jealous of all those who have been privilaged with seeing T+D in Europe. |
Robin |
Posted - 03/14/2007 : 1:20:50 PM What a fantastic review, I'm so glad that yu were able to hang out with TR a little too. He's a really wonderful,sincere person and I always enjoy his company. Your review offered a little escape from my mundane but lovely Spring morning Thanks and look forward to the photo! Peace, Robin |
tericee |
Posted - 03/14/2007 : 10:42:45 AM Thanks for helping with the set list. I'm glad I got it mostly right!
And yes, you should come visit while I'm still here! |
Posted - 03/14/2007 : 07:01:47 AM Thanks Teri for writing this so quickly! I was expecting to wait another day to read about your night. Sweet that you ran into TR before the show. Nice that he is enjoying the European coffee. I remember that European hot chocolate was so much better than ours as well, at least in Spain it was. The only coffee I remember drinking in Europe was expresso, but it was great.
quote: I hadn't realized that this tour is his first trip to Europe as an adult. He LOVES it, and said he hopes to come over on his own sometime.
I bet Fluffy is dancing the "Happy Dance" right about now! He always wanted TR to tour Europe.
I will save you trouble of a set list, which BTW I would have loved to have heard! Bartender and the Stone are two of my favorites, I also love The Maker. Tuesday Mar 13 2007 E-Werk
Bartender The Stone Satellite Stay Or Leave Save Me Crush So Damn Lucky Old Dirt Hill Lie In Our Graves Smooth Rider When The World Ends Where Are You Going Tim Solo #41 Little Thing Gravedigger The Maker Don’t Drink the Water Oh Crash Into Me Dancing Nancies
__________________ Some Devil * Sister Ants Marching Grace Is Gone Grey Street Two Step
Show Notes: Dave And Tim appear on all songs except where noted * Dave Solo
quote: I told him to do that before I move in 2009!
Wow, I thought you were coming back sooner than that. Hey, maybe I will get a chance to visit you before you move back. |