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 C-ville show at 8:00?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dancheatham Posted - 02/08/2009 : 10:09:23 PM
This can't be correct, as Tim will be on stage with DMB at the time. I don't guess this is a late-night show, either, since it's at the Pavilion. Any idea what's going on with this gig? Fluffy?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just checked the official site's dates and it says 3PM there... that makes sense. The myspace page says 8PM, though, FYI.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ranting Thespian Posted - 03/01/2009 : 9:00:48 PM
I will be buying it in 2 days, can't wait.
dancheatham Posted - 02/27/2009 : 5:52:37 PM
Same here--it's barely left my playlist since I got it!

Can't wait to see them again soon
rubylith Posted - 02/27/2009 : 5:46:13 PM
Bought and loved quite much already!
bluemountain Posted - 02/27/2009 : 12:36:02 PM
This will be an Earthday Celebration from 3:30 until 5:00 at the Amphitheatre. Tim will be with DMB both nights in additiona to this show. The admission is free and it will be somewhat of a CD release event. You NEED to buy RADIANCE today. It is what TR3 is all about!!

Hugh Southard
TR Agent/Manager
KevinLesko Posted - 02/09/2009 : 02:45:58 AM
I'll be sure to change that, I think it defaults to 8:00 if there isn't a specific time.

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