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 Cover Art for new album

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
EnlightenThis Posted - 10/05/2008 : 3:06:04 PM
Has there been a cover chosen for the new album?
If not, my good friend would be very interested in creating a few designs, based on the bands ideas and thoughts of course. That is if they are open to submissions from a pseudo-crazy art student from michigan. She is a senior at kendall, which is an art school here in grand rapids. She and i saw TR3 at the double doors in chicago earlier this year and will both be seeing them at the intersection(& double doors again hopefully) Once again, I don't know if this is a possibility or if anyone inside would be interested but I figured since 20 covers had already been shot down that I would open a door.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EnlightenThis Posted - 10/06/2008 : 2:20:04 PM
i can definitely see how different continents can impede the ability to sit down in vans and discuss. would posting logos be acceptable? Also, on a side note, i was wondering if there was anything i could provide for the band when they come through Grand Rapids? I have no idea what you guys would need but I could Emeril up a homecooked meal instead of 5-star waffle house gourmet food. I guess buying tickets would be enough but I would just like to give something back.
Fluffy Posted - 10/06/2008 : 1:23:08 PM
We actually haven't worked on covers, we were working on "TR3" logos. TR has a couple of photos that he is interested in possibly using for the cover of the new CD but we are still trying to figure out a TR3 logo or just go with some font. We will see. I am sure now that the DMB tour is over and we will be in a van for the next 3 weeks we will have more TIMe to discuss and see what we can cull from TR's brain on the subject. It has been hard to sit down and discuss ANYTHING as a band with TR off on the road with DMB as you can imagine.
EnlightenThis Posted - 10/05/2008 : 11:25:35 PM
is TheRe any way to show any of the nixed covers so as to know what NOT to do?
EnlightenThis Posted - 10/05/2008 : 11:24:20 PM
I read that also, I figured a different topic would be a little more specific and I just didn't have any idea for directions or ideas to give to her so I was wondering if TheRe was anything more substantial. Fluffy, i read that you are having a hard TIMe grasping which direction TR wants to go in but any poinTeRs or thoughts would be well appreciated.
jsemon2 Posted - 10/05/2008 : 9:48:30 PM
Originally posted by Fluffy

Looks like prolly January for the TR3 CD. Everyone wants to do it right and not rush it out like we have done with so many of TR's releases in the past. We were hoping to have it out in TIMe for the Oct run but the powers that be think we should wait and release it with full fanfare.

As far as logos, the 20 sum odd logos that we already proposed to TR got the nix. If you would like to send something else feel free but I am having a hard TIMe getting an idea of a direction TR would like to go in. Just about a month ago he told me he was rethinking one of the proposed designs but haven't heard anymore about it. Of course he has been quite busy since then.

In the meanTIMe, "Do You Wanna"(version from the 10KLF sampler CD) is now available on TR's myspace page. I have also been meaning to post(I was gonna do it in the show review section for the 10KLF gig but obviously I haven't gotten to that) that I acquired a number of copies of the 10KLF sampler CD to distribute here to anyone who would like one for their TR3 collection. The version on this CD will be slightly different from the CD version that comes out on the album. I guess the easiest way to do that is anyone who wants one needs to send a SASE to me and I will shoot a copy back to you by return mail. The CD is not in a jewel case but a cardboard sleeve so you should so you should send something big enuf to accomodate that size. Of course I only have limited amounts so it will be on a first come, first serve basis. Who knows, maybe noone will care. hehe

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