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 Tim & Dave @Farm Aid

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PJK Posted - 09/20/2008 : 8:11:37 PM
Wow, just watched them live on Direct TV and could kick myself for not going. My nephew asked me if I was coming up for it, he and his wife live in Boston. I said no, now I wish I had said yes.

Awesome performance, Tim gave me goosebumps with his playing! Dave was great! Gosh, I just love hearing the two of them together! Very cool indeed!

Also nice that my husband could see them. My husband grew up on a farm. I came from a farm background and we met in a pig barn.....I know, real romantic, LOL. But I have a big spot in my heart for farmers and I feel their pain, knowing first hand what it's like to work on a farm. Yep, I have killed, plucked and cooked my own chickens.

Anyway, I couldn't feel happier now after seeing the best two musician's playing for a truly great cause!

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
berman1125 Posted - 10/06/2008 : 10:50:00 AM
Originally posted by dancheatham

Tim's solo on that Crush was absolutely fantastic!

yes, i was there and this and SDL blew my mind

and tim made where are you going a good song
dancheatham Posted - 09/22/2008 : 9:57:41 PM
Tim's solo on that Crush was absolutely fantastic!
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 09/21/2008 : 11:38:33 PM
Didn't he play You Are My Sanity on a cutaway classical acoustic on the Chaos View DVD? That's the only time I've ever seen him with a cutaway.
DMBJAMS Posted - 09/20/2008 : 11:08:19 PM
HaHa No, I never thought he needed one. He can take his slide all the way to the bridge. I was just wondering if he ever uses one. I've seen him three times in Atlanta, and of the 20 guitars he has on stage, I've never seen a cutaway acoustic.

One tim Tim put me in a trance. I was front row about two feet from him. I opened my eyes and he laughed at me. After the song I pointed at him and said "you did that". With a smile he replied " I know." He really is a God among men.
Ranting Thespian Posted - 09/20/2008 : 10:31:26 PM
Originally posted by DMBJAMS

Dave seemed a little out of it tonight, but Tim was on fire. Has Tim ever used a cutaway acoustic, seems like it would make things easier on songs like So Damn Lucky.

He don't need no stinking cutaway!

But seriously, if you watch him he goes high up on the neck of the guitar without any problems. Now I have a cutaway and I need it for some of my songs, but Tim is just so good with his playing he doesn't need it.
DMBJAMS Posted - 09/20/2008 : 10:04:55 PM
Dave seemed a little out of it tonight, but Tim was on fire. Has Tim ever used a cutaway acoustic, seems like it would make things easier on songs like So Damn Lucky.
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 09/20/2008 : 8:53:39 PM
Glad to see the DD-5 in full effect for Ants Marching. Unfortunately that was the only song I caught. I fell asleep and woke up just in time to catch the end of the webcast. No worries though, I'm sure the videos will pop up on YouTube before the weekend is over.

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