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 Does Tim have a wife n' kids?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Raindragon20 Posted - 09/20/2005 : 4:42:32 PM
Does Tim have a wife and Kids? Also, who in Diane Thomas who seems to be a fondly appreciated person in most of Tim's liner notes on his cds, with hearts and what have you. Thanks for all the help.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fluffy Posted - 09/20/2005 : 5:29:38 PM
some of the info is a bit outta date, but if you can do math you can update it for yourself......



PJK Posted - 09/20/2005 : 5:04:43 PM
yep, he's a family guy! There is a biography on the home page. Not sure if it mentions his family or not though. He is married and has two sons and a daughter if I remember correctly. His daughter has a speaking introduction on one of his albums and I think she has a singing part on another. I know he uses her voice at different times when he tours.

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