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 TR performing in DC Sept 10th, 2005

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fluffy Posted - 09/01/2005 : 3:53:37 PM
As part of the Dept of Peace Conference over that weekend in Washington DC, TR will be performing 2 short sets. Here is a link to more info about the event:


The Dept of Peace festivities will also include such luminaries as Judy Collins, Patch Adams and of course Dennis Kucinich just to name a few. The schedule for the 10th which includes TR's perfomances is as follows:

Saturday, September 10
(L'Enfant Plaza Hotel)

2:00 – 3:30 pm - Registration - meeting others from your state and district.

3:30 – 4:30 - "Welcome and Keynote" Marianne Williamson - plus Jan Hartke on the history of the Dept. of Peace.

4:30 - 5:00 - Getting to know each other- break into regional groups

5:00 – 7:00 - Dinner break

7:00 – 7:15 - Music: Tim Reynolds

7:15 - 7:45 - Keynote – Azim Khamisa "Faitherapy and Forgiveness: A Concept for Healing".

7:45 – 10:00 - Forum on Community Solutions followed by Q&A: Samina Faheem Sundas (Muslim and minority solutions); Jennifer Batton (Youth/Nonviolence education), Brahma Kumaris Sister Jenna (Community crisis resistance), Lauren Abramson (Community Conferencing -Restorative Justice)

10:00 - 10:15 - Music: Tim Reynolds

For a full schedule of the weekend long events check out:

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PJK Posted - 09/10/2005 : 10:34:53 AM
TTT in case anyone can make this event. I really wanted to, not only for Tim's part but just because I find it all interesting. Due to the week I had that just isn't possible. I sure hope someone attends because I really want to hear about it.
PJK Posted - 09/02/2005 : 05:46:08 AM
This is something I would love to attend, not just to hear TIM but to listen to some of the speakers. I would especially like to hear Dennis Kucinich. Small in stature, but this countries last hope of getting sensibility back. I don't agree with all his ideas, but the man is honest and really cares, which is more than most in DC. He also doesn't quit and I like that quality in a person.

Arthen Posted - 09/01/2005 : 11:07:40 PM
Here's two you'll probably see:

All You Need is Love

Those were standard during his Kucinich dates.
guitarisPIMP Posted - 09/01/2005 : 8:16:19 PM
Fifteen minute sets? I wouldn't be able to pick which songs to play...

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