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 Ok. Im dying for a new acoustic album.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Erich Posted - 08/18/2005 : 5:01:21 PM
I really am. Of course, though, I'm the most patient person alive when it comes to things of this nature; Id rather tim make the best album he can than release one ASAP.

But I just cant shake the new songs from my head. Hopefully after the sept tour he goes into the studio to rock out with his Bach out
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Zachmozach Posted - 09/01/2005 : 10:27:00 PM
Ah come on the x and the c are really close.
guitarisPIMP Posted - 09/01/2005 : 8:18:53 PM
Originally posted by PJK

Me too Erich, I love TIM's axoustic!

You know, I don't think you put much thought into that post, PJK. I mean, people have half-assed posting before, but that takes the cake. At least you spelled 6 out of the 7 words right, though.
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 08/30/2005 : 11:56:57 AM
PJK Posted - 08/20/2005 : 09:11:37 AM
Me too Erich, I love TIM's axoustic!
Arthen Posted - 08/19/2005 : 7:21:23 PM
And didn't he have stuff like "New G" or something...

I love those acoustic songs from the Equilibrum tour. I would love to see them on an album.
Erich Posted - 08/19/2005 : 3:20:06 PM
Im still saddened that Drunk Roadrunner isnt appearing on sets anymore. I think im the only proponent of it being on a new tim album !

well, I think all the missing starts-with-d songs should be on it. Danger, Doom (as seperate tracks ), Dark Spirit, Drunk Roadrunner
Erich Posted - 08/19/2005 : 3:18:04 PM
yeah, that was this:

Arthen Posted - 08/19/2005 : 3:16:36 PM
Originally posted by Hopeful Rolling Waves

Again, I thought I remember Fluffy posting something about a project called Venus Transit/Participation Mystique (if I recall correctly) that was supposed to be a TR solo acoustic project. Though Tim seems pretty busy in the upcoming months; maybe he's still honing the new material. Though we'd all love studio cuts of CHE and Vantage Point...

I remember that as well HRW.

Don't forget a solid studio cut of Betrayl.
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 08/19/2005 : 08:10:49 AM
Again, I thought I remember Fluffy posting something about a project called Venus Transit/Participation Mystique (if I recall correctly) that was supposed to be a TR solo acoustic project. Though Tim seems pretty busy in the upcoming months; maybe he's still honing the new material. Though we'd all love studio cuts of CHE and Vantage Point...
Arthen Posted - 08/18/2005 : 6:54:53 PM
I know what you mean Erich. After seeing him in May and hearing 8-10 new tracks, I would kill to have solid studio cuts. I hope he can finish the songs and have a final product with that he is happy and satisfied with.

I would really love to hear a full live album, nice and mastered and produced. The Archive.org stuff is great, but a live album with the quality of Chaos View would be great.

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