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 New tour datesfor July.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Robin Posted - 06/14/2005 : 9:39:28 PM
Wow! And here I thought TIM was taking July off. Are all you mid- West peeps exited!? I would be,lucky lucky you. Peace, Robin
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Robin Posted - 06/16/2005 : 2:10:51 PM
Clever.....and a little funny too. Peace, Robin
JemezFoodPeople Posted - 06/16/2005 : 1:55:04 PM



there ya go, dan p. !
dan p. Posted - 06/16/2005 : 12:03:00 PM
goddamn. still no albany engagements.
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 06/15/2005 : 1:04:52 PM
The dates, to save you from having to look:

07-07-05 Canal Street Tavern Dayton, OH
07-08-05 Grog Shop Cleveland Heights, OH
07-09-05 Blue Gator Athens, OH
07-10-05 Little Brothers Columbus, OH
07-11-05 Ark Ann Arbor, MI
07-13-05 Mad Frog Cincinnati, OH
07-14-05 Martyrs Chicago, IL
07-15-05 Finale (EARLY show) St Louis, MO
07-15-05 Finale (LATE show) St Louis, MO
07-30-05 Sunrize Festival 2005 Huntingdon, PA
Gravedigger Posted - 06/15/2005 : 11:40:04 AM
I'm extremely excited...I've never seen Tim before, outside of Dave + Tim, but own all his acoustic CDs. I'll be at the Cleveland Heights show and then maybe Columbus and Athens as well

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