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 Anyone know the name of this song .....

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
summerbrown Posted - 05/18/2005 : 3:47:31 PM
I saw him at the Coach House last Friday and there was a song that had a little girl's voice in it - assuming it is his daughter. The girl kept saying 'and now' and something about summoning the spirits ...

Anyone know the name of it and where I can download it from?

Thanks so much!

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
guitarisPIMP Posted - 05/19/2005 : 5:21:53 PM
OCD poster...
tericee Posted - 05/19/2005 : 4:55:27 PM
How do you do that, anyway?
Arthen Posted - 05/18/2005 : 5:46:27 PM
Wow...that is indeed.
Erich Posted - 05/18/2005 : 5:13:28 PM
a double post... 43 minutes later? thats some funny stuff right there
summerbrown Posted - 05/18/2005 : 5:07:11 PM
Thanks Erich!

He did use the electric with the song this time - it was really interesting!

I guess I'll have to go and buy the album :)
summerbrown Posted - 05/18/2005 : 4:24:55 PM
Thanks Erich!

He did use the electric with the song this time - it was really interesting!

I guess I'll have to go and buy the album :)
Erich Posted - 05/18/2005 : 4:10:49 PM
the song is called "Invisible Pagan Underdogs", its off his new cd "Parallel Universe". I would send you to a live version of the song, but i dont have one, so you'll either have to wait for one to show up or buy the album :)

and yes, that his daughter Eura, and she says:

"And now, its time to summon up the ancient spirits
Dance them, play them, meditate them into existance"

the song is way better live. I dont know if he plays it normaly with an electric, but he had an acousic at the show i went to for it, and it smoked.

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