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 For those seeking ID - From The Lab.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 05/11/2005 : 2:54:29 PM
This isn't a great solution, but it should work. I uploaded the file to yousendit.com, and here's the link:

[link expired] contact me about getting this via FTP.

I'm not sure what the download speed will be, but probably at least decent (better than if I uploaded to you, anyway). The file is good for a limited number of downloads (10 or so, I think), or a set number of days (7, I think). Either should be good for you, since there won't be a bunch of people trying to get it, and you can all get it at the same time.

It's a zip file, and it's approximately 580MB, so be prepared for a good long download. I'm not sure what the "resume" capabilities are for yousendit, but I wouldn't hold my breath. So be prepared to start and finish in one go.

This took me about 6 hours to upload, but if people are willing and like this method of getting the file, I will be willing to do it again. I will also be willing to do Petroglyph at some point as well, but not until this link has expired.

So please all you wanting ID, jump on this!! And report your download speeds, too, if you will.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 05/12/2005 : 8:01:39 PM
I'm at work now but I'm salivating. I will attempt a DL when I get home in one hour.
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 05/12/2005 : 3:57:47 PM
If anyone downloaded this, it'd be really nice to hear from you. What your speed was, a small thanks... otherwise I guess I'll not do the other album. Because as it is, obviously no one has downloaded and used this.
Erich Posted - 05/11/2005 : 5:20:52 PM
no prob, i'll leave aim on
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 05/11/2005 : 5:20:21 PM
Originally posted by Erich

pgliph, LUA, or Shifting Currents

Oh, I have LUA and Petroglyph, by the way, so I guess SC is the only one I don't have... thanks
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 05/11/2005 : 5:19:08 PM
will do this when I get home erich, can't do it from here. Thanks though! I can't wait!
Erich Posted - 05/11/2005 : 4:05:34 PM
I'll zip them up now, then. Your IM name is on my buddy list, and im online. I think, if GAIM permits me, I can do a transfer and leave it so I can go eat. that may work. my AIM name is ErichIsAllUpIns (yes, i have aim add when it comes to names )
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 05/11/2005 : 3:54:44 PM
if you want to get them to me... well that'd be great.

I'll see what I can do. I can do them this way (yousendit) or whatever.
Erich Posted - 05/11/2005 : 3:31:20 PM
I wanted to do that, but FF times out before its done. I can usualy get 40k a second, which i wont try to math out in GB.

I havent been able to upload pgliph, LUA, or Shifting Currents to the ftp due to problems, but I'll retry soon.

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