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T O P I C    R E V I E W
guitarisPIMP Posted - 05/09/2005 : 8:33:14 PM
After that underrated songs thread and my ranting about Tim's improvisational tracks, I was wondering what are your favorite improvisations by him?

If you hadn't read my post on the underrated songs thread, my favorite is 10-31-92 (unknown venue) tracks 3-5. Absolute madness....slapping with a slide?? I can do that, only when I do it, it sounds more like a lawnmower sounds... after falling off of a 3 story building.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 05/11/2005 : 07:46:30 AM
No shit.
KevinLesko Posted - 05/10/2005 : 11:29:14 AM
The track Tim calls Inner City Blues is one of my faves too, saw it at Teaneck 9-15-04, very cool and understated.

That is a Marvin Gaye cover. That song can be found on the cd "What's Goin On" which is a must own if you don't have it!
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 05/10/2005 : 08:58:42 AM
Again, refer to my 3/26/03 D&T solo from the other thread, it's unfucking real, he plays a jazz chord breakdown similar to the one he uses in SIASL, but it's twice as fast, and many more chords. It's just a sexy jam.

The track Tim calls Inner City Blues is one of my faves too, saw it at Teaneck 9-15-04, very cool and understated. Metamorphosis 12-9-00 is has another great improv section. Jemez Rolling Waves from 10-26-00 has an unbelivable ragtime kind of jam which Tim plays out for several minutes...uh...this is tough off the top of my head...I'll come back with some more.

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