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 Selling my 2007 Taylor Leo Kottke 12-String

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gnome44 Posted - 02/27/2011 : 3:15:16 PM
Want to buy it? Pretty much mint condition. Installed K&K Pure Western pickup. $1699.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gnome44 Posted - 08/09/2011 : 1:55:34 PM

Already spent, my man!
Silky The Pimp Posted - 08/06/2011 : 7:10:16 PM
Well nuts.

Wanna buy a Larrivee with all the cash you made? ;)
gnome44 Posted - 08/04/2011 : 1:54:33 PM
Sorry man...sold it back in March.

Oddly...I don't miss it at all. It was/is a FABULOUS guitar...but it's big. Too big for me. I'll probably buy a D12-28 sometime soonish.

Good luck in your search!
Silky The Pimp Posted - 08/03/2011 : 8:49:01 PM
Still have this guitar for sale gnome? I'm trying to unload a Larrivee L-05 to raise funds for a new 12 string...
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 02/28/2011 : 11:06:33 PM
Originally posted by gnome44

Not to put an end to the banter...but it's already sold.

Sorry...someone was willing to pay $2/month for 849 months.

If they didn't make that offer before 02/28/2011 : 12:08:58 PM, then I say that it should rightfully go to Silky.
gnome44 Posted - 02/28/2011 : 11:00:34 PM
Not to put an end to the banter...but it's already sold.

Sorry...someone was willing to pay $2/month for 849 months.
Silky The Pimp Posted - 02/28/2011 : 6:26:02 PM
That's why I'm working on doing a payment plan Jared. Sheesh.
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 02/28/2011 : 2:15:20 PM
Quit wasting his time, Jeff. You mong. Tell him you spent all your hard earned Jesus bucks on guitar camp again.
Silky The Pimp Posted - 02/28/2011 : 12:08:58 PM
Originally posted by gnome44

That's tempting. But I think I'll need a faster payoff than that. Something along the lines of instantly.

And out of curiosity, I did the math...and that would be 141 years!

enthuTIMsiast Posted - 02/27/2011 : 10:14:53 PM
Originally posted by Silky The Pimp

I totally need a new 12 string. Are you flexible with payment?

If I can do, say, $1/month for the next 1699 months, I'm in. Deal?

I know this guy personally. I say he's good for it.
gnome44 Posted - 02/27/2011 : 9:14:11 PM
That's tempting. But I think I'll need a faster payoff than that. Something along the lines of instantly.

And out of curiosity, I did the math...and that would be 141 years!
Silky The Pimp Posted - 02/27/2011 : 6:07:38 PM
I totally need a new 12 string. Are you flexible with payment?

If I can do, say, $1/month for the next 1699 months, I'm in. Deal?

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