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 R.I.P Tim (c)Rew

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Fluffy Posted - 07/17/2009 : 1:30:21 PM
Although we were not close the last coupla years I lost a dear friend last nite He was like a brother to me for most of the last 10 years & have known him for over 20 Almost 1/2 my life The world lost a great soul & he will be missed. I am sure he is gonna be "rockin' heaven DOWN!" R.I.P. Tim (c)Rew I love you brother!
39   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
timrewmom Posted - 09/18/2010 : 11:06:51 AM
I just found this posting dated 8/13 remembering the anniversary of my Tim's death. I had requested anniversary comments on Facebook in July, but I had not found this posting. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments about my Tim and for remembering what a special human being he was. Keep him in your hearts, as I always shall.
timrewmom Posted - 09/18/2010 : 11:04:01 AM
Originally posted by PJK

Thinking about Rew. Hard to believe it has been over a year since his untimely passing, even harder to believe that no one here posted anything on the anniversary of his death. Rew was a big part of the TR family. Just seems odd to me that no one remembered him.

I miss you Rew!

PJK Posted - 08/13/2010 : 9:22:54 PM
Thinking about Rew. Hard to believe it has been over a year since his untimely passing, even harder to believe that no one here posted anything on the anniversary of his death. Rew was a big part of the TR family. Just seems odd to me that no one remembered him.

I miss you Rew!
LizT Posted - 09/26/2009 : 09:48:57 AM
Fluffy thanks so much for sharing about Tim Rew. The song is very beautiful. I know I have some pics somewhere so I will search for them this weekend to share with Rew's mom. Being a mom, our children are part of our flesh and soul. They are our life.
Fluffy Posted - 09/23/2009 : 7:09:21 PM
Hey Liz, Great to see you back! Sorry its under such shitty circumstances. Hopefully I will see you again in the not too distant future. It has been waaaaaay too long.

As for the rest of you who commented on this thread, I have been in touch with Rew's mother & spent 4 1/2 hrs on the phone with her. She thanks everyone for the warm words & rememberances of her "Timmy". I felt bad that she had not gotten to read everyones kind words & hear everyone's stories of her son that touched me so much.

Well long story short, she has finally gotten a computer and is now on Facebook. I would encourage everyone who cared about Rew to friend her & please share your feelings thoughts & rememberances with her there. Just the talking I did with her about my experiences with Rew made her feel sooooo much better. Its great to be reminded at such a TIMe how the one you loved touched so many different peoples lives in such a positive way. Her name on Facebook is Deborah Suiter(Columbia, SC) Her profile pic is a pic of her & "Timmy" that I took in Wilmington, SC backstage at a TR show.

There is also a wonderful video that was put together by Rew's & my friend & roommate Sam Murray. His band members wrote a song & Sam put a video together using his video footage of Rew & pics from my album. Its an absolutely BEAUTIFUL tribute to a BEAUTIFUL friend we lost waaaaaay to early. Please check it out & friend Deborah Suiter & share your feelings, thoughts & rememberances of her son with her. I know it will help. If you don't have Facebook please take a minute & email her. I can't tell you how much it would mean to her to hear from each of you. Her email is: neisnuis@yahoo.com

I would like to convey a couple of things I garnered from my conversation with her. She is a very strong woman who in the space of 8 months lost both her husband to cancer & her son to liver failure. Thru all that tragedy she still considers herself "blessed" to have spent the last year of "Timmy's" life WITH him. How many mothers of 40 year old children can spend a year of their lives with their child at that age. She also told me she watched a TR solo acoustic DVD she found in Rew's things that she had never seen hoping to catch even a glimpse of "her Timmy". At the very end after watching the entire show it came to the part where Marcus came out on stage with TR for the encore & there was Rew helping get Marcus out there. After they played the encore of course Rew came out to thank everyone for coming & to point them toward the merch table. She tried to convey how "proud" she felt at that moment to see "Timmy" doing his job, the thing that made him soooo happy!

So once again, I would encourage everyone to send a note or friend her on Facebook. As evidenced by my story the "smallest" thing can mean so much to someone trying to cope with the loss of child. If you have pics of Rew I am sure she would love to have you share those with her as well. She has been digging thru Rew's pictures & even found a bunch of undeveloped film from Rew's camera that she got developed & was happy to see it was from his TouR days with TR & myself.



Its also on youtube where there is a link to download it to your computer for future viewing:


Download "Always Too Soon" - http://www.box.net/shared/xz8khc6h0h
LizT Posted - 09/20/2009 : 10:46:15 AM
Dear sweet Pam,

I miss you too. Is there anything I can do for you? We must have a girls day out. I haven't seen Teri in years. That would be sweet.

Thank you for the link. Don't worry about not letting me know. During difficult TIMes we do what our brain let's us process. I look at it as a good thing, kind of like our little protection shield.

Love ya, Liz
LizT Posted - 09/20/2009 : 10:29:42 AM
I just turned 52 this month. There are friends younger than me that have moved on. I want to think and believe we are travelers needed elsewhere. My soul mate friend from my younger life passed and I never got to say goodbye. Your heart is very powerful and the bonds between people never break. I haven't seen him for many years but the day of his accident I knew something happened.I had a physical severe pain in my neck and head. His brain stem was severed. There is no explanation, just the power of our heart and soul.... Sorry for rambling.

Many thanks to Fluffy for giving me the opportunity to meet Tim Rew at the TR shows. Peace.
PJK Posted - 09/20/2009 : 10:26:50 AM
Hi Liz! If you haven't done so, check out this too.

I am sorry I didn't email you about Tim's passing, I should have done that or called you. I miss you a lot. Much to catch up on and would love to get together again. Hopefully Teri will move to the DC area when she retires and maybe we could all get together for a girls day out! I'm not doing too well right now, going in to Philly for surgery on Thurs.Peace to you~
Ranting Thespian Posted - 09/19/2009 : 8:36:55 PM
Originally posted by LizT

I guess I deserved the final push of the knife through my weeping heart. My tears weep for Tim Rew. I am guilty for not communicating, but my thoughts and memories are frequent and very close to my heart of all the friends I have made here.

No man, you didn't foresee this. Don't blame yourself. We all take life for granted sometimes. Think to yourself this, "what would Rew want me to think of when I think of him."
LizT Posted - 09/19/2009 : 1:12:02 PM
I guess I deserved the final push of the knife through my weeping heart. My tears weep for Tim Rew. I am guilty for not communicating, but my thoughts and memories are frequent and very close to my heart of all the friends I have made here.
Ranting Thespian Posted - 09/19/2009 : 12:53:27 PM
Just so it can be read:

Originally posted by LizT

Please accept my most sincere and heart felt sympathy of the loss of Tim Rew. I am very saddened to read this. I felt very safe with Tim around. I will never forget going to the House of Blues in California with a very special group of people and you all know who you are. Fluffy hugs to you and your sister Teri. Sorry this is late, I haven't visited in a long TIMe. The light is shining on Tim Rew!
LizT Posted - 09/19/2009 : 10:49:22 AM
Please accept my most sincere and heart felt sympathy of the loss of Tim Rew. I am very saddened to read this. I felt very safe with Tim around. I will never forget going to the House of Blues in California with a very special group of people and you all know who you are. Fluffy hugs to you and your sister Teri. Sorry this is late, I haven't visited in a long TIMe. The light is shining on Tim Rew!
Fluffy Posted - 09/17/2009 : 02:06:08 AM

Arthen Posted - 08/21/2009 : 09:49:28 AM
Thanks for that post Joe, I hadn't seen the picture myself (I normally link straight to the boards). What a lovely picture and a wonderful tribute.
JoeGamo05 Posted - 08/20/2009 : 10:58:52 AM
oh no. i got onto the main site and saw the picture and didn't think it was true :( I only met rew once at Jareds house, but what a kind person. He let me check out all of TR's gear without hesitation, guitar and pedals, and bug him as much as i want with questions :)

you will be missed greatly sir, prayers will be said.

many condolences to Rew's family, Fluffy and Tim.
gnome44 Posted - 07/31/2009 : 10:28:54 PM
Thanks for putting that together, Fluffy.
Fluffy Posted - 07/31/2009 : 8:31:57 PM
A photo album of pics of Tim (c)Rew I created on Facebook


RIP Rew!
jsemon2 Posted - 07/30/2009 : 3:35:05 PM
best experience was in Utah, my first TR and ME show. my first show taping of any sort. i show up 2 hours early and catch Tim and Tim Rew walking around and asked for a picture with Rew saying yes right away. "batteries are dead man". im thinking WTF!!!! he says something about switching them around and proceeds to do it himself to try and get me a picture. no dice. but i remember that and thinking how nice a guy he was.

a year later. CO. a week worth of good times. walking to the Fox Theatre with him, marcus and kevin to check out Band of Horses. The walks back and forth and the stories, good shit. Then a dinner the next night with everyone, tim, rew, marcus, fluffy, and kevin and just walking the little district in Boulder telling stories. was one of the best weeks i've enjoyed in my life. i love the atmosphere of the road like that.

oh and Rew was a ladies man if anyone didn't know. the man had skills and i seen them at least a handful times throughout a day.
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 07/24/2009 : 9:09:45 PM
WHAT?! This can't be!?

Very sad news to hear. It hits hard.
dan p. Posted - 07/22/2009 : 5:55:36 PM
As man casts one last shadow
onto stone fields of the forgotten
overgrown ruins now
that fall into rank no longer...
HONOUR - The fallen brave
VALOUR - With their lives they gave
PRIDE - That will never fade
We still remember
Robin Posted - 07/22/2009 : 3:40:01 PM
What a sad day...Rew was a gentleman and a friend to me. I will always remember how he took care of me at the show where TR sang a Chris Whitley song. He gave me rides back to my hotels in the wee hours... He was a wonderful human being who hopefully now walks among the spirit world. Peace, Robin
dirtysloth Posted - 07/22/2009 : 09:07:54 AM
I'll miss that guy. I've got a Rew quote. Here in Roanoke after a show some people were hanging around and talking with TR and someone was talking about FloydFest saying "even the cops were cool."

Rew: "Fuck their coolness!"

dan p. Posted - 07/21/2009 : 11:22:28 PM
never met him, but sad, sad news nevertheless.
rubylith Posted - 07/20/2009 : 3:12:17 PM
My favorite quote from Rew was when he said, "Jared this has been the best sweet 16 party ever" hah, Jared please post that show(or have you already?)...We will all miss him a lot. It;s like what Arthen said, at first he looked intimidating, but then when you sat there and talked to him, he would explain things with such love and color.

Why don't well all post pics of Rew and share memories on this thread(or a new one) for him to live on forever.
Evergreen Posted - 07/20/2009 : 1:00:05 PM
I'm just so sad and in such shock. Haven't been here in so long and this was the 1st thing i see......it just F*#ing SUCKS....Tim was one of the nicest guys i ever met. I'm really sorry Fluffy....i'm really really sorry
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 07/19/2009 : 2:38:30 PM
Originally posted by Arthen

I remember the first time I met him I was initially intimidated by the sheer hardcore nature of his look. But he quickly demonstrated a spirit of kindness and generosity, especially about things dealing with the concert/show.

I remember feeling the same way meeting him for the first time. I remember mentioning to Tim Reynolds something about Samantabhadra sounding awesome acoustic, and Rew jumped right in with his input on that song and how he loved it that way too.
Arthen Posted - 07/19/2009 : 12:00:02 AM
I remember the first time I met him I was initially intimidated by the sheer hardcore nature of his look. But he quickly demonstrated a spirit of kindness and generosity, especially about things dealing with the concert/show.
rubylith Posted - 07/18/2009 : 2:01:14 PM
Rest in peace....Tim was always so awesome to everyone at the shows. He will truly be missed by all. My heart goes out to those who loved him. \m/
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 07/18/2009 : 1:02:07 PM
RIP Rew, you will be missed, brother.
Kevin Posted - 07/18/2009 : 04:46:06 AM
Sorry to hear about our loss...my condolences to Fluffy and Tim
Ranting Thespian Posted - 07/18/2009 : 02:05:29 AM
I met Rew twice, both times I met you and Tim, Fluffy. Even though I only talked with him a little bit, I could tell he was a delight to be around.

I sing this for Rew, RIP :

Oh, lay your head
On me
You say it's too much
For you
Oh, and while
I see
We'll cry for the door

I say, sleep well tonight
I hold your soul in sight
Sleep well tonight
And I will sleep well with you

For the years
In life
Extended by our thoughts
Of what was
Oh and I will try
To fight
The pain over coming
The joy

Sleep well tonight
I hold you in sight
Sleep well tonight
And I will sleep with you

You lay your head
On my hand
Your eyes grow misty
And cold
The cry of silence
Is heard
And I can't do

Sleep well
Sleep well
Sleep well
Sleep well
And soon

Sleep well tonight
I will be aside
Sleep well tonight
See you will be in time

Sleep well tonight
I will hold your soul in sight
Sleep well tonight
And I will sleep well with you
KevinLesko Posted - 07/17/2009 : 9:27:25 PM
Very sad news, I'm sorry to everyone that was close to him. Sad to think I'll never shake his spiked hand again.

gnome44 Posted - 07/17/2009 : 9:21:54 PM
I'm sorry and sad to hear the news. RIP.
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 07/17/2009 : 6:29:50 PM
I was surprised and saddened to hear this. RIP Rew.
PJK Posted - 07/17/2009 : 3:41:28 PM
REW, dance with the angels!

Still in shock, but will never forget how you comforted me at the show in Manyunk the day after my mother's funeral. You weren't supposed to die this young!
jsemon2 Posted - 07/17/2009 : 3:31:46 PM
some sad news right here guys.

invisigal Posted - 07/17/2009 : 3:27:51 PM
Fluffy - this is so sad. I only met Tim once, but I know he worked with you for years. Do you know what happened? He was so young. This is certainly a tragedy. RIP Tim.
Silky The Pimp Posted - 07/17/2009 : 3:03:44 PM
Wow... RIP Rew. Sorry for your loss Fluffy, my condolences to you and Tim.
Arthen Posted - 07/17/2009 : 2:16:38 PM
RIP Rew. That's really sad, Fluffy. Good vibes to you, his family and friends.

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