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 LEAF SIGNUPS: Seattle 10-8 and 10-9

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ryan28 Posted - 11/13/2001 : 7:19:17 PM
I am now taking leaf signups for the 10-8 and 10-9 Seattle shows. Right now the branches are able to burn for 30 leaves, so I am going to limit this to the first 30 people to sign up.

If you are unsure of what to do as a leaf, it is pretty easy. All you have to do is send 4 discs (2 for each show) to the person that is burning them for you (the branch). You also need to include a mailer with enough postage to get the discs back to you. If you are familiar with B+P's, it works the same way.

To signup, please reply to this post with the following info:

City and State
Contact e-mail address

The 1st 30 people will get in this tree. Any questions please e-mail me at ryan_mikkelson@yahoo.com



19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ryan28 Posted - 11/18/2001 : 9:21:29 PM
I've closed the signups for the Seattle shows. Watch your e-mail for the structure, I should have it sent out later tonight. Thanks!


LizT Posted - 11/18/2001 : 6:30:21 PM
Thanks for the great offer!!

Elizabeth Krauss
Milford, DE

ryan28 Posted - 11/17/2001 : 12:52:36 AM
19 spots still available for the Seattle shows. For those of you who aren't sure how this works, all you will have to do is mail 4 blank CD's and an envelope with your return address and enough postage to get it back to you, to your branch.

I will notify everyone about the tree structure and where to send your discs.


Fluffy Posted - 11/16/2001 : 09:37:11 AM
Hey cseibert, Welcome aBOARD! Always nice to meet a first time poster. Just so ya know, there icons right above each of your posts that give you options as the poster of a message where you can edit and delete your duplicate posts. Don't feel bad, I think everyone here probably had that problem at first. I sure know I did. Once again, thanx for joining. Look forward to seeing your "2 cents" in the future.

Peace & Keep the Faith
Fluffy ( <>..<> )
cseibert Posted - 11/16/2001 : 09:20:06 AM
I'd like to be a leaf, for my first tim shows.


add on to the list of first time posters.

atlantamusician Posted - 11/16/2001 : 04:27:02 AM
Andrew Cummings
Tallahassee, FL

i've never done the whole leaf thing before...will you let me know what i need to do and how it works. I think i pretty much get the idea. thanks!

"I read the news today oh boy"
jsquires Posted - 11/15/2001 : 11:51:11 PM
Jason Squires
Kansas City, MO


ryan28 Posted - 11/15/2001 : 7:41:43 PM
I will see how many people have signed up through the weekend. If we don't have all the slots full, I guess we'll just go with what we have.

If you don't have any Tim shows, what are you waiting for? From what I've heard, these two shows are absolutely amazing. So please sign up today.


Erich with an h Posted - 11/14/2001 : 7:12:46 PM
4 first time posters in a row. hopefully you guys stay even after you get the shows

Erich w/ an h
The Tim Reynolds Tour and Recording Database
dmb1985 Posted - 11/14/2001 : 7:10:42 PM
Charleston, WV

dmbcdn Posted - 11/14/2001 : 6:48:14 PM
Don Borders
London Ontario

bryan Posted - 11/14/2001 : 5:45:18 PM
If there is still room I am in.

Bryan Carlson
Salem, Oregon

dukerocks Posted - 11/14/2001 : 5:20:39 PM
Paul Dryden
Bethesda, Maryland

thanks a lot!
peace, paul

my shows: www.phishhook.com/lists/onefellswoop
padraig41 Posted - 11/14/2001 : 02:40:54 AM
patrick curran
Elmhurst, IL

THANKS !!!!!

ryan28 Posted - 11/13/2001 : 9:49:49 PM
Thanks to those who have signed up...there's still room for more!


crash258 Posted - 11/13/2001 : 8:11:19 PM
Philip Guilford
Tallahassee, FL

-thanks your the shit,

AlienBoB Posted - 11/13/2001 : 8:09:24 PM
Jarod Watson
Sumner, WA

Thanks man. I went to the 10-8 show and loved it. Can't wait to get both seattle shows!

Ben Posted - 11/13/2001 : 8:01:31 PM
Ben Parker
Garden City, KS

Thanks a lot - I missed Timmy on this tour so thanks for doing this.

Erich with an h Posted - 11/13/2001 : 7:23:28 PM
Erich w/ an h
Bayside, NY

i'll send my full name to the branch

by the way, thanks 150% for this, its very much apreciated. If you can be so kind as to post source info, tha would make Erich a very happy camper :)

Erich w/ an h
The Tim Reynolds Tour and Recording Database

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