T O P I C R E V I E W |
Dave S |
Posted - 10/05/2001 : 12:01:53 PM HELL YEAH the show is tonight, and i'm pretty sure this is the most excited i've ever been for a concert, it's going to be so great. I've been a fan for so long but so far this has been my first opportunity to see a Tim show. See you guys there.
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Fluffy |
Posted - 11/26/2001 : 12:49:03 AM hey JenJen, were you center stage, right inbetween the monitors? If so I think I got a pic of you with my camera when I was taking pics of TR from behind the stage. It will be posted with the pics for the Eugene show. Don't see any roses in it though.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy   ( <>..<> ) |
Fluffy |
Posted - 10/13/2001 : 07:29:28 AM People keep telling us they want to get us dates in Canada, Hawaii, + Europe. So far, nothing has come together. We do want to play these places so hopefully we will be hitting them soon. As Jon pointed out we almost always play NYC and alot of other places in NY. The place we play in NYC most often is closing. I do not know where we will play next time we are there. But I know we will be back. Maybe the Knitting Factory again. Who knows. We'll see. Hope to see you in NY or somewhere else, we will make sure you get to give Tim the roses in person next time. Look forward to meeting you.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy    |
jsoldo |
Posted - 10/11/2001 : 2:17:31 PM he almost always hits new york city on his tours, with exception to this one... bummer
i dont see him playing hawaii anytime soon
Peace Jon
Timmah! |
jen-jen |
Posted - 10/11/2001 : 1:08:58 PM Fluffy ~ Actually, I didn't get any good pictures of the roses. I got like one, but since I couldn't use my flash you can't even really make out the roses. I'm really bummed about that. Hey, here's a question for you.....does Tim ever perform in foreign countries or Hawaii or New York? I'm going to be in Italy for about six months starting January, and then next January I'm either moving to Hawaii or New York. I really want to see Tim in concert again.......and actually meet him this time! :)
Fluffy |
Posted - 10/09/2001 : 7:15:29 PM Hey JenJen, I took alot of photos that night as well but somehow I missed the whole roses thing. Rew told me he saw it, but I have no idea how I missed it. Wish I had gotten a photo of that. If you got a really good one of Tim dancing around with roses in his mouth you should send it to Jon Soldo at TimReynolds.com so he can post it for all to enjoy. Sorry you didn't get to meet Tim, we will see what we can do about that next TIMe.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy    |
Fluffy |
Posted - 10/09/2001 : 7:09:04 PM Hey Dave S, Tim has been having a great time here in the great NW. We have all decided it is very beautiful country. We will definitely be back. Tim had been thru this area before with Dave and with Govt Mule but they are always bus tours and you don't get to see very much, just the inside of the bus and the venue. We tour in a van and We get to see alot more that way. It is really beautiful up here. Tell Beth HI and it was nice meeting and chatting with her as well. Hope to see you guys again soon. Thanx for all the support.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy    |
Dave S |
Posted - 10/08/2001 : 7:53:56 PM LoL! Yeah the roses were great he even kept them in his mouth until he started playing his encore. Great idea. You should have just stuck around if you wanted to meet tim. I was probably standing about 2 feet away from you, yes, we had an awesome view.
jen-jen |
Posted - 10/08/2001 : 02:31:18 AM Hello all. I too was a live Timmy virgin until Friday night. We (my friend Suckafish and I got to the WOW Hall at 5pm just to wait in line to get in. We then were three feet from Timmy. Let me repeat that since I still can't believe it myself....THREE FEET FROM TIMMY REYNOLDS! Is there anything more you could want from life? Well, since it was Timmy's big performance I decided to bring him some roses. For those of you that were there I'm sure you saw him dancing with them in his mouth. Hell ya (and to think those roses were in my own hands)! Oh, did I forget to mention that Timmy played AMAZINGLY? I took about two and a half rolls of film (I'm kind-of a photo freak). I'm totally bummed that I didn't get to meet him afterwards. Hopefully sometime in the future. We love TR!
Dave S |
Posted - 10/07/2001 : 5:51:20 PM Natan, the guitar that Tim signed is a Dean Acoustic Performer QSE GN. I payed about $350 for it, which i think is a steal. I like the sound, and it looks great, and it has a built in Shadow P7 pickup. Not to mention nice action. For playing I would choose it over most mid-level guitars, but i would take a high end taylor over it any day. all in all its a solid axe.
Fluffy, yeah was cool to meet you too. My friend Beth that you were talking to said you were really cool/nice and she loved your camera, she's really into that stuff. Can't wait till the next time I am able to see a Tim show..has Tim been liking the NW shows so far? hopefully he's been enjoying this leg of the tour and will feel like doing a return visit next year =D
Fluffy |
Posted - 10/07/2001 : 07:26:18 AM Oh yeah, by the way, the beauty of your guitar came up again in the van on the way back to the hotel. Tim really dug it and so did I. It was one of the nicer guitars we have seen. Take care of it.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy    |
Fluffy |
Posted - 10/07/2001 : 07:23:57 AM Those are excerpted lyrics from the song "Indoctrinate" from the Astral Projection album. It was nice meeting you as well Dave. Glad you got your guitar signed, glad you loved the show, and glad you got to meet Tim. Look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Peace & Keep the Faith Fluffy    |
Dave S |
Posted - 10/07/2001 : 05:13:00 AM Yeah I watched, and from like 6 feet away too =D simply amazing, even hearing recordings cannot prepare you for the live experience. Does anyone know what the poem he recited was? did he just make it up on the spot, is it a song of his, a famous/obscure poem, what? i think i remember it, here it is
the stupidity of the average man is controlled by progaganda/ the stupidity of the average man is controlled by progaganda/ stupified simplified bewildered and passive stupified simplified bewildered in masses
I thought was totally cool when he said that. But the best part was definitely meeting Tim and Fluffy after the show and getting my guitar signed. Tim said my guitar was beautiful, how cool is that? And Fluffy took a picture of a a bunch of people with Tim in the lobby, can't wait to see it on the site, saw it on the cam it looked cool.
DMBrules1286 |
Posted - 10/06/2001 : 02:53:15 AM SHIT! That was one of THE best concerts ive ever been to! LORD that was amazing! His fingers god did u watcH!!!!!! It was ahhh!
DMBrules1286 |
Posted - 10/05/2001 : 10:43:17 PM Hey! Im going tonite! I cant WAIT! AHHH ITS GOING TO ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELLL ILL SEE YA'LL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baboonboy |
Posted - 10/05/2001 : 4:39:40 PM See ya there dood!
ICQ - 578587 AIM - bluwaterbaboon |