Hey Everyone, I have noticed a couple of threads and recieved a couple of emails to this subject. The way we have it set up now, Tim gets a kick back from all CDs you purchase thru the links on TimReynolds.com He has decided to take the money he earns from this venture and put it toward changing the world by donating the money to the charities listed on his website. Get great music and help change the world. Spread the word to anyone + everyone interested in buying Tim's music. Have them buy it thru TimReynolds.com and lets start racking up the bucks to help out the charities. Thanx to everyone who participates. Tim appreciates it and so will the charities.
its too bad i have most of tims cds otherwise i wouldve done so, but the few i dont have i'll try and get through the site now :) Luckily the stores in my area carry nothing by tim so i'll get a chance to do so :)